The Nightmare

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Once he was gone I crawled onto the bed, sinking into the pillows as I lay there. It had been so long since I had a nice bed that I had forgot how comfortable they were. Williams bed was bulky and firm and most night I didn't get any sleep at all. I was so exhausted from the past few weeks that I had fell asleep before I knew it.

I sat up in bed and pushed the covers from my legs. It was eerily quiet in the house. I went to the kitchen and found Mason at the sink. I walk up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He turned around and I froze in horror as I stared at the person in front of me. It wasn't Mason, it was William. He smiled menacingly and wrapped his arms around me.

"No!" I screamed, breaking free from his grasp.

I ran as fast as I could to the front door but for some reason it wouldn't open.

"You can't run from me Lily." William said from somewhere behind me.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed , as I ran down the hallway and ducked into the closest bedroom closing the door behind me.

"Lily, come out come out wherever you are." William called out tauntingly.

"Mason where are you?" I whispered, trying desperatly to open a window.

"Why wont it open?" I cried before diving into the closet.

I heard the bedroom door creak open as I slid myself behind some clothes that were hanging on the bottom rack.

"You can't hide from me forever." William said

I pulled my knees into my chest and squeezed my eyes shut as the closet door swung open. The rack of clothes that I had been hiding behind split apart and William grabbed me by the arms.

"No, leave me alone! Please! Please William!" I screamed as he drug me out of that closet.

"Lily, Lily wake up!"

I opened my eyes to find Mason beside me on the bed, his arms wrapped around me.

"Mason!" I cried.

"It's alright Lily, you were having a bad dream." he said.

"Where were you? I couldn't find you." I sobbed.

"I'm here, I'm right here." He said, holding on to me as I continued to cry.

"Don't leave me Mason, please." I begged as I held on to his arms.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said.

"Promise me."

"I promise you Lily. I'm gonna be right here." He said, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

Mason held me for a little while longer until I finally sat up beside him.

"What if, what if he finds us?" I ask.

"He wont." Mason assured.

"But how can you be sure?"

Mason clinched his jaw.

"There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked

"I need you to promise me you'll keep an open mind." He said.

I thought for a moment before nodding my head.

"Ok, well, you know how my dad is a very rich and very powerful man?" He began.

I shook my head yes.

Mason took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Lily, we are part of the Mafia." Mason blurted out.

My eyes grew wide. I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

"We?" I asked, tears filling my eyes.

"It started with just my dad at first, but now it's me too." He said.

I blinked and the tears rolled down my face.

"Please don't cry." Mason said, wiping the tears with his thumbs.

"I know your scared, but please let me explain."

I nodded and Mason took my hands in his.

I listened carefully as he gave me the run down on Cole Interprises and how it all works. It didn't sound as bad as I had imagined it to be in my head.

But then again, he could have been watering it down to make me feel better. I didnt say a word as he continued to tell me about it, pausing sometimes to see if I had understood what he said.

I was processing it all. The cute little blonde boy that I had met ten years ago was now a crime boss for the mafia. But what did it mean? Is he dangerous? Can I trust him?

Of course I know I can trust him, what kind of question is that? Mason has never been anything but sweet and gentle with me.

"Lily, where'd you go?" Mason's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm here. I'm just processing." I said nervously.

Mason shook his head. "Take your time. I'm here if you have any questions." He said.

"Actually..." my voice trailed off.

"What is it?" Mason said, looking into my eyes.

"H have you ever...killed.....anyone?" I stammered.

Masons eyes fell and he stood up from the bed.

"I'm not going to hurt you Lily. I would never hurt you. You know that, don't you?" He said, his voiced strained.

I got up from the bed and stood in front of him, curling one of his hands into mine and looking up at him.

"I do know that." I whispered, looking him in the eyes.

Mason gently brung his free hand to my face, running his thumb back and fourth across my cheek.

"I have killed people before. I don't like doing it, but it's part of the job." He whispered.

I nodded. "Thanks for telling me."

"I don't want there to be any secrets between us. I'm glad you know everything." He said. "There are reasons why we do the things we do. It keeps people like Robert Mahoney in check.

"The Mahoney's are in the Mafia too?" I asked.

"Not exactly. They are the reason the mafia exists. They head cartels and trafficking rings. Its our job to shut them down and sometimes...people get killed. That's just the way it works. He explained.

"But, I saw your dad there one night, he and Robert were having a pretty heated discussion. I saw him pull out a gun. It really scared me." I said, my voice just above a whisper.

"He was giving him a warning that if he didnt shut things down there would be consequences. The Mahoney's are terrible people. They have ties to a lot of sex trafficking rings. They have been on our radar for years. That's why we live so close to them."

"But aren't you afraid of retaliation?"

"Not really. We pretty much have the Mahoney's right where we want them, or at least we did until last night." Mason said.

"I'm sorry." I said turning away from him.

"Hey woah." He said catching my hand with his and pulling me back to him.

"You dont have anything to be sorry for."

"I feel like I do." I said.

"You don't Lily." he said gently.

I nodded and my stomach growled loudly.

"Someones hungry." Mason chuckled. "Come on let see what we can find for breakfast."

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