The Cabin

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  I took Mason's hand as he led me the rest of the way through the woods, the thick brush catching on my dress every few steps.

"Here we are." Mason finally said as we approached a clearing.

There was a black car with dark tinted windows parked in front of us.

"Mason ushered me into the back seat and slid in beside me.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Lily this is Joeson." He said nodding toward the driver. The man was bald and I could see a partial tattoo creeping up the back of his neckline, but I couldn't make out what it was.

"He's gonna take us up to my family's cabin." Mason explained.

I made eye contact with the driver for just a moment. He winked at me and then looked back at the road. I wondered for a moment if he was the man that I saw in the bushes earlier that evening.

"I didn't know your family had a cabin." I said.

"There's a lot that you don't know about my family Lily."

I gave him a questioning look.

"Don't worry. I'll explain everything later, right now I have to get you out of here."  He said just as his phone rang.

I nodded and turned to look out the window at the night sky as he answered it.

The moon was full and had a yellow glow as it danced along the tree line. I took a deep breath in as I relaxed into the seat.

It was a smooth ride and I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I heard was Mason calling my name.

"Lily." He whispered. I felt his hand gently on my cheek, his thumb brushing my cheekbone gently.

I opened my eyes and blinked.

"We're here." He smiled at me.

"Oh, ok." I stamered as I pulled myself up and toward the door.

Mason helped me out and led me up to the steps of the cabin. I couldnt really see much because it was dark out, but I could tell it was a cute little cabin surrounded by nothing but forest all around. There were flower bushes lining the front porch and a flower bed lined with white rock off to the side.

"You'll be safe here." Mason said as we stepped into the dimly lit porch.

He walked over to a potted planted sitting on the ledge of the railing and lifted it up revealing a key.

"Not under the mat?" I asked as he unlocked the door.

"Nah, that's to cliche." He smiled as he waited for me to enter first.

"This is....sweet." I smiled as I took everything in.

There was a huge stone fireplace to the left of us, in the middle of the wall on the same side as the door. With a window on each side. The living room and kitchen flowed openly together.

There were family pictures displayed on the mantel and walls. My eyes landed on a picture of a small boy and girl  smiling in front of a Christmas tree with whom I assumed were their parents.

"That's Madelyn my twin sister. Remember me telling you about her." Mason said.

"I remember." I said

"I wish I could have met her."

"You would have loved her." He said smiling.

"If she was anything like you, I'm sure I would have." I smiled.

"Thanks." He smiled. "I don't suppose you want anything to eat do you?"

"No, thanks. I'm to anxious to eat."

Alright then, I'll show you to your room."

I nodded and followed him down a hallway to the right of us.

"This is where you'll be sleeping." Mason said as we entered the room.

I looked around for a moment. There was a full sized bed in the center of the room with a side table on each side. There were mismatched lamps on each of them.

A dresser sat against the wall in front of the bed with a closet next to it. There was a small window on the opposite wall of the dresser next to the bed that looked out into the backyard.

"Thanks for doing this." I said, turning to look at Mason

"Of course." He smiled. "You know I'd do anything for you Lily."

I smiled as he reached his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me closer to him.

"I won't let them hurt you again." He said.

I nodded.

Mason tucked a finger under my chin and lifted my face up to his.

"You do believe me, don't you?" He asked, his tone was serious.

"Yeah, I believe you, Mason." I whispered.

"Good." He said. His eyes trailing down to my lips.

I bit my lip as I remembered the first time he kissed me. It was so careful, and tender, nothing like the aggressive kisses that William had forced on me. God I wanted him to kiss again so badly.

I bit my lip again as I searched Masons eyes.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now." He whispered.

"What are you waiting for?" I whispered back.

Mason smiled and leaned in placing his lips gently on mine. I closed my eyes and wrappedy arms around his neck, lifting up on my tip toes as he kissed me.

"God I've missed you." He said.

"I've missed you too."

Just then there was a light knock on the door. We both turned to see Joeson standing in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt boss, but somthing's come up."

Mason glanced at me and then quickly back at Joeson.

"I'll be right there. Thanks Joe." He said.

Joeson gave him a quick nod and then disappeared down the hall.

"I'll leave you to get settled in." He said, noticing the scared look I had on my face.

"Don't worry, love. I'm sure it's nothing serious." He said as he gently brushed his hands over my arms above my elbows.

I nodded and gave a small smile. Mason kissed my forehead before he left the room.

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