The discovery

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Mason's Pov

Lily and I sat on the back porch swing laughing at the birds and squirrels fighting over the feeders.

It had been a week since I pulled her out of that window. I had just gotten a lead on a possible family memeber of hers and I had called Kent to send her a message for me.

If only that nosey ass Jenna girl hadn't got in the way my plan would have worked out the way it was supposed to.

When Riley called me from the Mahoney's and told me what Will was doing to her in the driveway I lost it.

I was going over there to kill him. Luckily my dad was here to steer me in another direction.

We needed time to make sure this lead was legit. I didn't want to give Lily any false hope but also, I couldnt stand her being in that house any longer.

So we came up with the plan to hide her here while we investigate.

As I lost myself in deep thought, my phone rang. It was Joeson.

I told Lily I had to take the call and I'd be back in a minuet, leaving her on the porch as I went inside to take the call.

I stood at the kitchen window, my eyes on Lily as I said answered the phone.

"Joeson, What's up?"

"We got a name, Reed Watson."

"And what do we know about him so far?" I asked

"He dated a Catherine Tate for three years in highschool. She was 17 and he was 18. They split and nine months later Lily was born." Joeson explained.

"Do we know why they split?" I asked.

"Doesn't say."

"Do we have a location?"

"Springfield, about two hours from here." Joeson said. "He's got a nice little family there, a wife and two kids. They've been married twelve years.

"I want you and Kent to go and get him bring him to the warehouse, unharmed." I said. "I need him to be able to talk."

"Got it." Joeson said.

"Let me know the minuet you have him here."

"Sure thing boss." Joeson said before the line disconnected.

I walked back out to the patio. Lily was still sitting in the swing. She smiled and looked up at me.

"Everything ok?" She asked.

I nodded and stared at her for a few seconds.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked.

"Lily, did you mom ever talk about your dad?"

"Oh um, she just said they were really young and things didnt work out."

"Did she say why?"

"No it was a really painful subject for her." she said.

"I see." I said.

"Why are you asking about my dad?"

I thought for a moment.

"Lily." I sighed. "I dont want to get your hopes up. But we may have found him." I said.

"Y-you found my dad?!" She asked, her voice trembling.

"We found someone who we think may be, but we need dna before we can know for sure."

"Well, where is he? I want to see him." She said jumping up from the swing.

"Hang on a minuet." I said holding my hands up.

"We have to make sure Lily. Everything depends on this. We only have one chance to do this and we want to do it right."

"Ok, you're right. What can I do?"

"We need to get a dna sample from you to send off and see if it matches his." I explained.

"Does he know about me?"

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"But I'm gonna find out.

Lily nodded her head and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"What does this mean Mason?" She asked.

I closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on the top of her head.

"It means that if he's your dad, then the Mahoney's adopted you illegally."

Lily raised her head up and locked eyes with me.

"They're not gonna let me go Mason."

"We aren't going to give them a choice." I said.

She laid her head on my chest and squeezed me tight.

"I hope you're right." She mumbled as I rubbed my hands over her back trying to comfort her.

Joeson and Kent had sat in the car parked outside the Watsons house for the last three days, waiting for the right time to move. Kent bumped Joeson's arm and nodded as Mrs Watson left with the kids for the day.

"Ready?" Joeson said.

"Always." Kent replied.

The guys jumped out of the car and made their way across the grass and up to the porch. Just as Kent was about to knock, it opened up.

"Can I help you?"

"Reed Watson?" Joeson asked.


"We need you to come with us." He said.

"What's this about?" Reed exclaimed.

"We have some business to attend with you." Kent said

"I'm sorry, what kind of business would that be?" Reed replied, setting his briefcase down beside him.

"The kind where you come with us and no one gets hurt." Kent replied.

"And what if I refuse?"

"Then I'd say you were a really stupid man." Joeson said pulling back his jacket and revealing a gun.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Reed asked.

"You just let us ask the questions here." Joeson said as he grabbed one of Reeds arms. Kent quickly grabbed the other side.

Reed struggled for a moment until Joeson pulled his gun.

"I've been advised not to hurt you, but I will if I have to." He warned.

"Ok. Ok I'll come with you. But can someone let my wife know so she doesn't worry?" Reed said breathlessly

"Don't worry, we will make sure your wife knows everything." Kent promised as they led Reed to the car.

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