⋆˙⟡her sunshine⋆˙⟡

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During Y/n's pregnancy, she decided to make the best out of her situation. With her new job, she was able to get things for her baby and have a healthier diet. She bought a crib and lots of diapers for her baby. She was holding off on getting clothes until she knew the gender. When it came to Y/n's diet, it had improved drastically. She increased the amount of protein she had and ate lots of fruits and vegetables. The diet change made her feel better and she had way more energy and her body was in good shape. Y/n also changed her hair one more time, she was getting tired of the dirty blonde hair and got it dyed it brunette. She promised that it would be the last time she'd dye her hair for a while.

At about sixteen weeks, Y/n had another doctor's appointment and was able to find out the gender of her baby. "Alright, everything looks fine so far, baby's developing right where we need them to," the nurse looked at the baby on the screen of the ultrasound. "Y/n are you ready?" she smiled. "Yeah," Y/n was eager. "Well if you look there, you can see that it's a girl! Congratulations," the nurse was as happy as Y/n. "Oh my goodness, I'm so happy," Y/n said. "Have you thought of any names yet?" the nursed asked. "I'm not sure yet, but I have quite a lot of time to decide," Y/n replied. "You're right, don't rush things," the nurse reminded Y/n. Any type of stress wasn't good, so Y/n made it her goal to try her hardest to stay stress free. 

The next day at work, Y/n was working with a customer as a teller until her boss called her into his office. "You wanted to see me Yoshinaga?" Y/n entered his office. "Why haven't you told anyone, you can't keep secrets from us," he smiled at Y/n. "What are you talking about?" Y/n played dumb. "You think we haven't noticed, no one's stomach grows that much in such little time, you're pregnant," Yoshinaga stated the obvious. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?" Y/n asked. "Well I actually have something set up for you," he got up from his desk and walked out to the lunch room. Yoshinaga opened the door for Y/n and led her into the room. A bunch of confetti exploded in the air and all of Y/n's coworkers were there. "Congrats Y/n!" they said in unison. Tears of joy were forming in her eyes. "You guys...you didn't have to do this," she smiled.

"Listen, we're here for you, whatever you need let us know and we'll be happy to help," her boss put his hand on Y/n's shoulder. "I appreciate every single one of you guys," Y/n said, bowing while holding her stomach. They all had food in the office and talked about Y/n's pregnancy. It was such a nice change having so many people supporting Y/n and it was something she could get used to. "So do you know the gender?" a female coworker asked. "Yes, she's going to be a girl," Y/n replied. "Have you thought of any names yet?" she asked. "I'm not sure yet," Y/n admitted. "Well you still have time to decide, don't you worry," she reassured Y/n. 

The next few months weren't as bad as Y/n thought it'd be. Sometimes she'd feel some strong kicks and occasional morning sickness, but other than that she was doing great. As her due date neared, she started getting heavy contractions, which made it difficult to function at times. "You're giving me a run for my money, baby girl," Y/n rubbed her bump that was huge at this point. She couldn't even see her feet anymore because of the baby. The contractions got more and more painful until her water broke the next morning. It happened so quickly, but Y/n stayed calm as she got her baby bag and drove herself to the hospital. She was so eager to meet her baby girl. The nurses changed Y/n into a hospital gown and prepared her for birth.

Y/n was in labor for ten long hours and it was the most exhausting part of the pregnancy, but she stayed as strong as ever. One the final push Y/n was finally able to hear the cries of her baby. "Congratulations, you did it!" the doctor said, cutting the umbilical cord and cleaning off the baby, before resting her in her small bed for the other nurses to take care of. "Now, the placenta," the doctor said. Y/n still had to deliver the placenta, but it was easy once the baby was out. The doctor gently cleaned Y/n up and then handed her the baby. "Any names in mind?" he asked. "Kaya L/n-Kunikida" Y/n finally came up with a name. She held her baby close and vowed that she'll protect her forever. 

Once Y/n was released from the hospital, she did everything with her baby Kaya. She almost never put her down and did every task around the house with only one hand, while the other held Kaya close to her. At times she thought of Doppo and how he was missing out on raising a daughter, but he probably didn't have time for kids and a part of Y/n wanted to keep her sunshine all to herself. Y/n would raise Kaya above her head and watched as the baby smiled at her, trusting that her mother wouldn't drop her. The nights were a little rough and Y/n only earned about two hours of sleep, but she wouldn't trade it for anything. She finally found her sunshine and nothing could take Kaya away from her. 

That little girl was Y/n's and only Y/n's. Although she resembled her father heavily, Kaya would always be Y/n's girl. In the present day, Dazai got nosy and decided to do a background check on Kunikida just to find anything, but he wasn't expecting much, until he saw something unexpected. As he typed 'Kunikida' into the system, Kaya's full name and date of birth popped up on the screen. "Kunikida, you have a kid?!" Dazai practically yelled, leaving the entire office in silence. "What the hell are you talking about?" Kunikida asked, pulling the screen so he could see it. "If this is a joke, it isn't funny," Kunikida explained. Atsushi looked at the monitor and clicked on some buttons. "It says that her mother is Y/n L/n, does that ring a bell?" he asked. Kunikida was speechless and confused. They had broken up four years ago, but Y/n was probably early in her pregnancy by then and ended up having the baby the following year. "I think I need to make a call," Kunikida finally spoke.

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