𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏-𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡

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"Naina, with whom?" Shivanya's voice cut through the air, edged with urgency

Naina froze, her fingers fidgeting nervously as she struggled to find the right words. The weight of Shivanya's question hung heavy in the silence between them, stirring an uneasy tension.

Before Naina could respond, a booming voice interrupted, startling them both. They turned to see Avyaan standing there, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity, his gaze lingering on Naina.

"What's going on here?" Avyaan's voice rang out, breaking the tense moment with its directness.

Naina's heart raced as she met Avyaan's eyes, searching for a lifeline in the stormy sea of confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, but the words caught in her throat, lost amidst a whirlwind of emotions.

The scene unfolded like a tableau of uncertainty, each gaze holding unspoken questions and fears, their world momentarily suspended in a web of unvoiced truths and tangled feelings.

Your unborn child's DNA?" Dhruv's words cut through the tension like a knife.

Shivanya's eyes flashed with anger as she shot Dhruv a glare that could freeze fire. "Shut up, Dhruv. This is not a joke," she snapped, her voice tinged with frustration.

Before Shivanya could utter another word, her mother-in-law intervened, casting a shadow over the already tense atmosphere

"Dhruv, Shivanya;can you go and meet Mr. and Mrs. Khanna? They're asking about you," Dhruv's mother interjected, her gaze shifting between Shivanya and Dhruv.

"I can't believe you did that!" Shivanya murmured under her breath, her words carrying an undertone of disbelief that Naina couldn't help but overhear.

Naina's POV

Naina glanced at Shivanya with concern before quietly slipping away, leaving her alone with Avyaan.

The heavy weight of guilt settled like a stone in the pit of my stomach, impossible to shake off.

Every time I closed my eyes, I replayed the moment endlessly—the hurt etched in her eyes, the disappointment lacing her voice.

I knew deep down I had made a grave mistake, something irreversible. The guilt gnawed at my conscience, relentless and consuming, leaving me restless and haunted.

How could I have been so careless? I yearned to right my wrongs, but the fear of irreparable damage loomed large.

Yet, in just five more days, everything would be settled. No more lies, no more pretending—just the chance to mend what I had shattered

"Hey, did you hear about the new restaurant in town?" Avyaan asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"No, what's special about it?" Confusion knit her brow.

"Well, apparently they have a dish called 'The Forgetful Chef.'"

"The Forgetful Chef? What's in it?"

"That's the thing—they never know! The chef keeps forgetting the recipe."

That's one way to keep customers coming back, I guess!"Naina laughed hearing him

Naina's boredom vanished in an instant when Avyaan whisked her away for a secluded beach ride, just the two of them escaping from prying eyes.


As the sun descended towards the horizon, painting the sky in a mesmerizing palette of pink and gold, Naina and Avyaan found themselves walking in perfect harmony along the deserted beach.

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