𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒-𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝

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What happened?" Naina urged, her curiosity now heightened by their intense reaction

Both siblings shared a knowing glance, their mouths opening to speak, but just then, a sharp knock echoed through the room. Devika stood in the doorway, her presence commanding their attention.

"Arnav, Shivanya! Chalo apne rooms mein jao. Let her rest, you can talk later," she ordered, her voice firm but gentle.

(Go to your rooms)

"It's okay, they can stay here," Naina interjected, her face a complex blend of emotions.

Devika's expression hardened. "Arnav, Shivanya! Apne kamre mein jao, abhi," she repeated, her tone now brooking no argument

(Go to your room now)

Arnav and Shivanya left the room, leaving a tense silence hanging between Naina and Devika.

Devika stepped closer, her eyes filled with love, and gently caressed Naina's cheeks. "I'm sorry, daughter. We didn't ask your opinion—"

Before she could finish, Naina cut in, her voice firm yet forgiving. "Let’s leave that matter behind now."

Taking a deep breath, Naina continued, her voice tinged with nervousness. "But there's something important I need to tell you and Papa." Devika's eyes widened with concern as she leaned in, ready to listen.

"I like someone," Naina confessed, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink. Devika's eyes widened with surprise before a broad, delighted smile spread across her face.

"But I still don't know how to tell Dad," Naina admitted, her voice trembling with fear at the thought of her father's reaction. The apprehension in her tone was unmistakable, revealing just how much this confession weighed on her heart. Devika's smile softened into a look of understanding as she reached out to comfort her daughter

"Tell him tonight, while he's still happy with his daughter's return," Devika advised, giving Naina's hand a reassuring squeeze. She then leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss on Naina's forehead. "Rest for a while," she whispered before leaving the room, her steps light

Later that evening, Naina called Abhay and Shivanya, arranging to meet them at a nearby café.

"Shivi, bro, pinch me," Abhay exclaimed dramatically, thrusting his arm towards Shivanya as they stood before Naina.

With a mischievous grin, Shivanya obliged, giving his forearm a sharp pinch. "Ouch!" Abhay yelped, rubbing his arm and shooting glares at Shivanya. "I meant a gentle pinch, not a wrestling move!"

Naina couldn't help but laugh at their antics, the tension from earlier in the day melting away in the warmth of their camaraderie.

"Why did you come back?" Abhay asked as they settled into their seats across from Naina.

Naina ignored the question for a moment, turning to the waiter. "What would you like to eat?" she inquired.

"Give me some poison," Abhay quipped to the waiter, his tone mock-serious.

The waiter, unfazed, replied, "Sorry sir, we don't have that."

Naina couldn't suppress a smile at the exchange. Deciding to cut through the theatrics, she ordered some light food for everyone.

As the waiter left, Naina glanced at both Shivanya and Abhay. Their curious eyes were practically screaming the questions they hadn't yet voiced. She took a deep breath, preparing for the barrage of inquiries she knew was coming, her friends’ dramatic antics a humorous prelude to the serious conversation ahead.

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