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Don't kill me! I know I haven't updated in a while but I've been really busy, so please please forgive me and I hope you enjoy the chapter!!! Please vote and comment too....



God my heads killing me. I groaned in pain with my eyes still half closed. I fluttered them trying hard to lift my eyelids but I had no strength left in me. Red and white lights danced behind my closed eyes and I felt like knocking myself out again so I'd fall asleep. What the heck happened to me? My temples were pulsing with pain and I suddenly felt the urge to knock the side of my head with my fist. You know that thing you do when you have a massive headache. I lifted up my arm to do just that but only managed to lift it a few inches up before something contracted and my arm was ripped down again. What the...? Okay, that hurt. My eyes snapped open, blinking a few times to adjust to the dim lighting in the room I was currently sitting in. I tried to pick my arm up again and stared at it trying to figure out why it wouldn't move. When it snapped down again I heard the tinkling of chains knocking against steel and sighed when I realised that I was chained to a chair. My legs were bound together,there were shackles on my wrists that were nailed into the arms of the chair and a thick chain was wrapped around my torso and around the chair keeping me in an upright position. God this is bad. I must have put up a big fight for whoever to tie me up like this. The thought made me smile.

My eyes finally adjusted to the bad lighting and I looked around taking in my surroundings. It hurt my neck to turn and I wondered what exactly was done to me. Looking around the room I realised that there's only one word to describe it and that is : empty. There was not a single thing in the room. The floors were concrete and cracked in places and the walls were smooth like a hospitals and painted a pale, sickening yellow colour. I felt depressed just looking at it. Above me a single light bulb flicked and hummed softly breaking the enveloping silence that had started to settle around me. The walls were completely bare without even a single window, painting or hook. Not even a scratch marred the walls. The solid steel door was on my left hand side and from the corner of my eye I could see that it was slightly open. I couldn't turn around because of the heavy chains keeping me in place but something told me that the wall behind me was just as barren as the rest of the place. I need to figure out where I am and sitting in an empty box of a room, without even a window, isn't really helping me. Maybe I could see something outside the door but it doesn't look like there's a light on. I craned my head forward as far as I could and tried to peak out the door but I couldn't see anything. Suddenly pain seared its way through my spine into my neck making me wince in pain. The image of a man running me over flashed through my mind and just like that, I remembered everything. The explosion, the shooting, the men in black. Shazia. My pulse starting racing when I thought of the last time I saw her. The last thing I remember of Shazia was the sight of her body crumpling to the floor in pain, blood soaking her dress and hands. I didn't see where she was shot but I just hope she's okay. This is all my fault. Paranoia clouded my mind and I started to think of all the things that could have happened to her. What if they found her? They'd probably be torturing her right now, trying to get information. Only she doesn't know anything. Or worse, what if the bullet met its mark. New anger, regret and fear invaded my body and with it, new motivation. I struggled hard against the chains, pulling with every ounce of energy I had left in my body. I need to find Shazia... now. The thought of any one of the men even touching her made me angry and I was surprised at just how angry it made me.

Wiping away all my thoughts I struggled hard against the chains making a loud racket. Hopefully the bastards that put me here will come out so that I can talk to them...or knock them out. Which ever happens first .

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