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He's 4 years older than me? Okay so I did not expect that. It's not too bad but it makes me feel wierdly young. I told Mariam everything that happened over the phone that night. I loved telling her because it made me feel excited like I can and will be happy. She was so excited that he told me his age . According to her it means he wants me to know about him. I don't think so but no one can argue with Mariam once she has an idea in her head.

"You talking so freely . Aren't you scared they going to hear you?"

"Nope. They not yet back from their 'outing' and our parents are gone to the hall to check last minute preparations."

"Home alone? But it's dark outside."

"I'm not 5 love." I laughed.

"Don't worry, if you get scared just phone Ziad and you'll see how he'll rush back to you."

"Mariam! "

"I'm serious," she giggled . " But honestly isn't it a bit late to be out now. Maybe you should ask daddy to  go look for them."

"Did you forget where we met for the first time. In the middle of the desert. At 1:30 in the morning."

"Ha! I completely forgot about that. "

I smiled at that memory as we continued to talk. Next time I really should ask him just what they were doing in the middle of the desert in the early morning, because I really love my sleep and if Ziad is a morning person than thats good. I laughed to myself. My personal alarm. I told Mariam that I was going to sleep and put the phone down. I got up from my bed and went to have a long shower. It was so relaxing after the nerve wrecking day I had. When I finished I made my wudhu and prayed my Isha. Isha is my favourite namaaz because I feel so peaceful when I'm praying.

I though about what Mariam said about me being alone at home, I honestly didn't mind, but after a while I started to get scared. You know that thing that happens when you hear something and you all alone at home. You start to imagine things like a murderer is outside your window trying to kill the flowers, or a ghost is in the fridge looking for something. Yip. I think I'm going crazy and it's all Mariams fault. Just watch when I see her again. I got in my bed and took out a book. I love reading and hopefully it'll calm me down. But it didn't work. I kept hearing wierd sounds outside and it made me jump every few seconds. Oh Allah, please say I locked the door. I don't remember locking it though. Maybe I should just go and check. I slipped on my ballet flats and went downstairs oning all the lights on the way down. Everything was locked and I laughed at how paranoid I was being. I went into the kitchen and made me something to drink. I made hot chocolate and oreos, my favourite. My ammy knew just how much I loved oreos and she always had an endless supply waiting for me in the kitchen cupboards. I finished off my hot chocolate and scoffed down 2 packets of oreos then I washed up my cup and packed it away. All of a sudden I heard a noise outside the kitchen window and this time I was really sure that I didn't image it. I looked around for something that I could use as a weapon bypassing all the knives . I'm scared but not a murderer. I couldn't find anything that would help me so I just took my ammys big wooden spoon. I walked slowly out of the kitchen so that I could go outside and chase whoever away. As I walked past the oven I saw my reflection in it and I couldn't help but smile to myself. I looked like Tom from Tom and Jerry, walking around with a big wooden spoon. Then suddenly I heard another noise and my smile vanished as quickly as it came. I tip toed my way to the front door and waited. My heart started to pound when I heard someone whisper. Ya Allah! That means that there's more than one person outside. I didn't know what to do but I couldn't just go back upstairs and wait for them to decide to come in. I quietly unlocked the door and pulled the handle down holding my breath. Then all at once I pushed the door open and walked out straight into someone's chest. The burglar caught me by my arms making me drop the wooden spoon. Well there goes my weapon. I fell off balance at the step and the stranger tried to catch me but failed to do so. I caught my self in time before I could fall but this dummy tripped on the second step and he still held my arms. We both fell backwards onto the grass. I scream a high girly scream that made me wish I knocked him unconscious just so that there were no witnesses to it. But of course no such luck and to make it worse , I looked up. Ziad looked down at me where I was currently lying in his arms. He had the hugest smile I've ever seen on his face. I tried desperately to get up but his huge arms wouldn't let me. I tried pulling myself away but the cake weighs a ton . He just laughed at my attempts and I realised I never heard him laugh properly.

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