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The moment I saw them I got upset. I know they married now but I thought that she didn't want to marry Ziad. I thought that's why she was so depressed before the wedding. So why are they holding hands? But now I realise that she was depressed because she didn't want to leave home. I have to admit that that hurt.

"Shazia." I smiled.

"Yaseen! What are you doing here?" Ziad was holding her hand but he kept staring at me. He held on tight but she pulled her hand out of his grip and ran into me pulling me into a big hug. I laughed and held her tight. I've missed her so much.

"I missed you."

"Liar! Now tell me really why you here."

"Ok fine. My father needed to do some work in New Zealand and Turkey at the same time so he send me here and went to Turkey himself."

"Wow you so lucky. I knew you weren't here for me! Is Mariam with you?"

"No she's not. Oh ,this is my friend Masood, we working together on my father's project."

"Assalamu alaykum Masood."

"Wa alaykumus salaam. You must be Shazia?" Shazia looked surprised. I mentally smacked Masood and quickly gave him a look before he said anything else. He just smiled lazily which made me nervous. Please don't say anything stupid Masood.

"How did you know?" Shazia asked suspiciously.

"Mariam is always talking about you at home." She just smiled and looked down. I nodded slightly at Masood. That was good. Ziad hasn't said a word since we came and I'm really happy about that. I'm not in the mood for his stuck up ways. He walked forward and stood next to Shazia then gave his hand out for Masood.

"Assalamu alaykum , I'm Ziad." Masood shook his hand and nodded. "Shazias husband." He looked at me slightly when he said that than quickly looked away.

"Yeah, Mariam told me everything about you guys in about five minutes." They all laughed at that which made me smile. Does everyone know how much my sister talks? Ziad took a step back and smiled.

"We going to go now but maybe we'll see you around."

"Yea man, no problem." We shook hands and moved to the side for them to walk past us. They started walking but Shazia pulled Ziads arm making him turn around. "Wait, why don't you guys come to us for for lunch or supper one of the days?"

"Cool, sounds good."

"Where are the two of you staying?"

"Uhm, we not sure yet. We still waiting on my father for the details."

"Ok well when you find out just let us know ok?"

"I will." I gave her a warm smile. She is so kind and warm hearted, Ziad is a very lucky man. He better look after her. They turned around and carried on walking back down the mountain. Masood went to sit down on the stone bench that they were sitting on earlier. He took out a bottle of water from his bag and threw one to me. I caught it as it hit my chest and turned around. I stood in the same position and didn't move till I couldn't see them anymore. All I could see now was the figure of Shazia tripping every few minutes and Ziad catching her from behind. I chuckled softly. That girl has been a walking hazard since I can remember. Who's idea was it to go hiking in the first place?

"So that's the beautiful Shazia Hoosen I've heard so much about." Masood asked. I could practically hear his smile in his words. I turned around while taking a big gulp of water.

"Yes it is."

"And that's her husband."

"Yes it is."

He smiled and nodded while looking at the view. "They make a nice couple."

I didn't reply. I don't know what he wants me to say to that. So I just ignored him and carried on walking up the mountain without waiting for him to follow. I heard his footsteps behind as he ran to catch up with me.

"What are we doing now?"

"We going to hike to the top of the mountain than go back down."

He laughed loudly. "I know that. I meant what are we doing about the job your father wants us to do?"

I stopped walking and sighed. I don't want to do this job, but I know I have to. Masood caught up with me and waited for my reply. "Nothings changed. We do what we were supposed to do."

Masood smiled and patted me on my back. "So then why are we hiking a mountain Yaseen?"

"I wanted to clear my head before we started working."

He nodded sadly. "Okay than, so lets keep hiking that mountain." He playfully punched my shoulder and carried on walking. I breathed in and walked after him.

The Arabian Prince (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now