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I looked around me, tears swelling in my eyes. All the beauty that once was, is now gone. The place was now a shadow of its former self and looked more like a dungeon then the beautiful restaurant it was a few hours ago. Half the chandeliers were on the floor and the glass wall was so badly cracked that I couldn't see past it anymore. The tables were upturned, the plates broken, the glasses shattered and the people limped around in pain while others weren't moving at all. I silently made a dua for those that have died and thanked Allah that I was fine. Well as fine as someone who was shot in the arm can be. My dress was torn in some places but thankfully I still remained covered without my skin showing anywhere. I walked backwards, staring in shock while clutching my arm and bumped into an upturned chair. Struggling with my one arm I managed to turn the chair around and when I was sure that it wasn't broken like the others I sat down heavily, still clutching my left bicep.

"Oh darling! Here, let me help you dear." A tiny lady in a waiters uniform came running towards me when she saw my arm and the blood seeping from between my fingers. She took a bandage out from her pocket and started to wrap it around my arm just above the wound. I hissed in pain and shook my head.

"Thank you ms...?"

"Oh just call me Claira." She waved her hand in front of her face and smiled sweetly. I smiled back. "There. That should stop the bleeding love, don't you worry." I wanted to thank her again but I only managed a week sound as my words were cut off by the pain in my arm.

She looked sad and rubbed my other arm while clutching me to her chest in a motherly way. "Oh shame the poor child." She said more to herself than to me. She was a tiny woman with a small frame for a body and a small face. Her hair was white blonde and fell till her shoulders in a pixie cut that complemented her personality. I also couldn't help but notice her thick Australian accent. My english wasn't too bad but her accent made it a bit hard to understand what she said immediately. It took me a few seconds to catch on to what she said but I could do it and could converse easily with her.

She took my hands in her own and rubbed them so that I could get warmed up. "Oh but dear why are you sitting here by yourself? The paramedics are taking everyone who is injured to the hospital."

I looked around me. Sure enough there were only a few people left around. Men in yellow suits with helmets were everywhere , all of them helping someone who was struggling or carrying unconscious people out on stretchers. Women were crying and weeping and somewhere in the distance I heard a baby screaming and crying. I shook my head. This is all too awful. Claira was still stroking my arm and looked at me worryingly. She looked extremely exhausted and her eyes were black. I stood up against her will and made her sit down instead.

"Oh no dear you need to rest!" She sat unsure on the front of the chair and I knelt down in front of her. I took her hands in mine this time and held them. She was so fragile and I felt terrible seeing how tired she was and looking after everyone. She reminded me a lot of my mother. My ammy.

"No no I am fine, thank you." She relaxed abit and sat back in relief. A young man came to give us a water bottle and I opened it and gave it for her to drink. "Thank you so much dear. I could actually use something alot stronger than water at the moment if you know what I mean but... well this will have to do won't it now." She giggled and took a big sip of water while I laughed, momentarily forgetting our situation. I looked around me and felt despair settle over my mind. A hand settled on my shoulder and I jumped around while still kneeling on the floor. My heart was thumping so loudly I could hear it in my ears.

"Oh dear it's just me love." Claira giggled and I calmed down a bit. "I was just wondering, you have quite a strange accent love. Where are you from? Are you from Europe?" I smiled at her question, grateful for the distraction. I quickly looked around one more time, my eyes searching but found nothing, before answering.

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