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After we got to the hotel Yaseen went to his room and we went to ours. The hotel was amazing! It was more like a palace than anything else. Full of huge crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and jewels decorated each door. There was an amazing golden glow everywhere. It was all thanks to Mariams parents.  Her father worked for one of the biggest law firms in Egypt annd their mother is an interior decorator. I have seen their house and it's amazing but this is beyond stunning. We were on our way to our rooms and were waiting for the elevator but I  was in such awe of the hotel that I didn't even notice when Yaseen tied my light blue hijab to Mariams. We both turned around and went smash into each other and fell to the floor. Yaseen just stood there laughing as if the best thing in the world had just happened. "Ow! You have a hard head !" said Mariam rubbing her head and ruining the beautiful style I made for her with her hijab. "You telling me! I think I have a concussion!" That was really painful but it wasn't because of Mariams head. After we fell I knocked my head on the elevator door. A shot of pain made its way from the back of my head to my eye. I couldn't stand up and was finding it hard to see clearly. I rubbed my head with my hands and a sound of pain made its way out if me. That is unusual because everyone knows that I'm really strong when it comes to pain . Even when I was 8 and broke my arm I didn't cry. Everyone was so shocked because I was badly hurt. I could still hear Yaseen laughing , the idiot, and Mariam shouting at him. They obviously didn't see me fall back down when I tried to stand.  Just then a single tear fell down my cheek. What can I say, I'm not a crier. They must have noticed because suddenly Yaseen rushed to my side , worry written in his eyes. He dropped to the ground and held my face in his hands.  I didn't have the strength to be excited but trust me, I was. He used his thumb to wipe away my tear and blew on my face while Mariam just stood there blabbering in a panicked  state. I tried to tell to come down and that I'm alright but all I could manage was a whimper. This made her panick even more but luckily no one was around because trust me  when I say that Mariam is not the quietest person. Thank goodness no one was around because then Yaseen pulled off my hijab and through it on the floor so that he could examine my head. I got so scared about him seeing my hair but luckily I had a cap on. I touched my head and it came away with blood .Then suddenly everything went black.

I woke up in my hotel room lying on my bed. I tried to get up but I just fell back down again . I looked around me and saw no one but the light was on. I turned on my side and there was Mariam asleep on her bed. Now I feel really bad.  We were supposed to go out exploring but now because of me our first day here and I stressed everyone out. "I'm such an idiot" I wispered.

"Don't say that" it was a deep husky voice and I'd know that voice any where .Yaseen. But there was something different about the way it sounded. I've never heard him sound like this before.

He walked to my bed from behind the wall and sat next to me.  He looked amazing.  He wore a black jeans, a white shirt with the sleaves rolled up and his usual converse shoes. Yes I notice what he wears.... He gave me a sad smile and my heart broke as I realised that he felt guilty for what happened.  It wasn't really his fault,  I mean I am a really clumsy girl. I won't lie it's partially his fault but I'm not angry.

"I am an idiot. Why can't I just watch where I'm going."

"No , no it's my fault and I'm so sorry. I thought something really bad happened to you when you wouldn't get up and I was so worried. I am really sorry. Please forgive me" he wispered as not to wake his sister.

"Ofcourse I forgive you. Don't worry about it." He smiled at me but I could still see the guilt in his eyes. I need to make him feel better.  Think Shazia think. "Ok you can go now" I told him ."Having you act like normal is too confusing, I can't think properly"

He smiled at me," Whatever Princess."

My heart skipped a beat. I tried to get up so that I could see him out safely but he stopped me and bend down to kiss me on my forehead.

"Asalamu alaykum princess", then he winked at me and walked out.

I spent the rest of my time smiling to myself. Then I started to think and realised that I have no clue how I got in my bed. I made a mental note to ask Mariam about it the next day than I turned around and went to bed. 

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