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I love my life...

Yip, even my parents. That doesn't mean that I'm happy with them. I hate the way that they neglect my sister and act like she's not a part of the family. Yeah I bug her and I always act like an idiot around her but I still love and would do anything to protect her. Since I was younger I was always the one who would look after her not my mother nor my father . I don't know what's their issue with her but they have never treated her like they treat me or even like their child. I think they blame her for the two of them drifting apart since everything changed after she was born. I was 4 when Mariam was born. My mother complained about having to look after her until the day that she left us for weeks at a time for her interior design classes. And it didn't help that my dad wasn't around either. I tried my hardest to make Mariam happy but I couldn't.  She felt incomplete without a parents love. That is until she met Shazia...

Shazia changed her life for the better and in turn mine. I could go to college knowing that she will be happy and looked after by Shazia and her parents. We were always Muslim but we were never serious about it. We fasted in Ramadan and celebrated things like eid in the correct Islamic way, but that was as far as it went. Our parents were never around to guide or teach us so we just fell behind in life. Then one day I had to take Mariam to the Hoosens house for her day with her new best friend. The family forced me to stay for supper and I was so amazed to see how kind and caring they were. The way they greeted us and treated us like their children was beautiful and the best feeling in the world. When we went home we both began practicing Islam like we should have. We had more support from Mr and Mrs Hoosen than we did our own parents.

So now I'm content with my life. When my parents told me that I had to go to Arabia for the holidays I was more than willing.

We got of the plane and Mariam and Shazia went off with out me but there  were so many people that I'm sure they got separated.  I smiled to myself as I walked to go fetch our bags. I found my bag first and then hauled off the girls huge one and walked out. What do girls need so much clothes for? It's a good thing that I have these muscles right. I smiled again at myself as I walked out and saw the girls standing together talking. " Wow Shazia, I didn't think you could look worse than normal. "

I had to say that. I love making her upset. She's just an easy target. I've known her for a while and I know how she is.  She'll say something back but won't be able to go on because she'll get shy. What's up with that by the way? Mariam shouted at us just as I got started.  oh well, another time.

We got to the hotel. Obviously it was amazing. My parents can't have their records on a cheap hotel's books.  Even if they aren't staying there.

Shazia looked in awe of the place.  She couldn't close her mouth as she took in the surroundings. Suddenly I had an idea. I tied the girls scarfs together which none of them noticed , then waited for them to  bump into each other.

Finally they both turned as we were waiting for the elevator to open. They fell to the ground in a chorus of pain. It was hilarious! The way they looked lying on the floor. Unfortunately no one was around to witness this. Mariam got up rubbing her head and started yelling at me. While I concentrated on blocking out her voice and continued to laugh I heard a noise. I looked behind her as Shazias eyes drooped and a single tear fell down her cheek. I was in shock.  I've never seen her cry before. I looked at her head properly and saw blood.  My heart stopped. I rushed to her side as she sat leaning against the wall. Mariam started babbling. She is not good under pressure.

I pulled of her scarf quickly to examine her head. It was a minor bruise but she obviously has a concussion. She blacked out.

Why am I so worried? I know she just fainted. I picked her up easily bridal style and took her to her room. I cleaned her wound and took care of her. Mariam calmed down finally. She said she'll take it from there so I quickly went to shower. When I got out Mariam was asleep. I was about to leave when I heard Shazia get up.

God she blames herself . This is my fault. I'm such an idiot. I wanted to beat myself up. I greeted Shazia after our talk and went to my own room. I lied awake for hours. Why am I so angry? And why was I so worried. I finally fell asleep with these thoughts.

Over the past few days I've started to feel wierd. Every time that Shazia is around my head gets cloudy. I should probably see a doctor. By the end of the week I couldn't take it anymore. We going to the desert tomorrow so I decided to stay by myself so that I can clear my head. The next day I still couldn't go to their room. I kept away but couldn't any longer, our jeep that would take us to the desert was here. I knocked and then walked in after Mariam told me to. Mariam looked so beautiful.  I told her and just pushed me buy I could tell that she was pleased. "Shazia, come on lets go" she scream. I heard her reply and she came out soon after. My breath stuck in my chest as I took in her appearance. She looked beautiful and her scarf brought out the colour of her eyes which are light green, almost clear with gold flecks. This goes well with her hair colour which I saw for the first time the other day. It's a light brown, with hints of red. O man, I sound like a girl.

"You look beautiful princess " I told her. My nickname for her, Princess, I love how she blushes every time I say it. Wait, did I just think that?  What's wrong with me today.

We walked out to the car with me deep in thought. I didn't even pay attention to what ever they were talking about. Then Mariam said something about shopping.  What is wrong with this girl. We got in the car with me in front. I started to get excited for today and as we drove off I couldn't help but look at Shazia as she spoke to Mariam, in my rear view mirror.

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