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I stayed the whole night at the restaurant. I didn't want to leave because what if Ziad came back? So instead I stayed there, helping the paramedics tend to the badly injured people who couldn't be moved just yet. Finally after what felt like hours and hours the last of the injured were taken away and only a few people were left. The police had already come and gone, taking pictures and bullet shells with them. They also tried to get me to leave but I told them I was on my way out, I was just waiting for a friend and they believed me.

After some time on my own the loneliness and quiet started to set in, suffocating me till I forced my self to go outside. The cool air stung my injured arm making me wince in pain. I have never been alone in a foreign country before, I have no idea what to do. I stood by the balcony edge gazing down at the water. It looked beautiful under the moonlight and for a while, I forgot everything. It was so sad that just a few hours ago this place was buzzing with people in their glittery outfits and now everything is destroyed. I silently made dua, thanking Allah that I was safe and praying that Ziad is fine and unharmed. I sighed loudly to myself. No doubt people will be blaming the Muslims for this. Ya Allah, why do people want to make a bad name of such a beautiful religion. Allah help us all.
I want my ammy, I thought with a giggle. I was so absorbed in my thoughts and the ripples in the water that I didn't notice the soft footsteps inching nearer and nearer to me, until it was too late. Suddenly ,muscular arms wrapped around my stomach and I was pulled backwards into a hard chest. Then I was swung around in a circle and a familiar laugh echoed around me. I was finally put down and pulled into a bear hug. Only one person did that to me despite how many times I said I didn't like it. No one else but Hamzah. And I was right.

"Shazia I've been looking everywhere for you." His deep voice echoed around me making me jump. I didn't want anyone to know I was there. What if the men came back?

As if realizing what happened, he flinched and said more softly, "Don't worry, no ones here I checked." Relief washed over me, I didn't even realize I was so scared about what's around me because I've been scared for Ziad the whole time. I was so happy to be with someone I actually know. I smiled gratefully at him.

"Thank you so much Hamzah. You have no idea how worried I was." I was really happy to see him.

"You welcome and don't worry, everything will be OK.Now come princess, your chariot awaits." He took my arm in his and started walking back down the stairs to where the now empty car park was. When I realised he was taking me away I pulled him back. He stopped walking and looked back at me , confusion on his face.

"We can't leave Hamzah. What if Ziad comes back here?"

He smiled sadly and shook his head. "He won't come back here. He'll go to the hotel you staying at." I looked at him suspiciously.

"How do you know?" He looked away nervously and I knew I cought him . There was something about Hamzah and Ahmed's relationship with Ziad that I couldn't quite figure out. It was a very loyal and grateful type of relationship I can't really explain, but I hope that maybe Ziad can.

"I just do." He continued walking down the stairs but I pulled him back again.

"Hamzaah." I looked at him and he signed loudly.

"Fine woman. You don't give up do you." I smiled feeling satisfied while he just shook his head. "Ahmed and some other guys are on their way to get him back. We know where he was taken to."

"How? "

"Because..... we tracked his phone."  He looked at me embarrassed.

"Is that how you found me?"

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