∞ see you again ∞

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Short imagine...

You and justin are best friends, but you couldn't see him because he went out of town for the day.

(Justin - Y/N) Texts

I miss you, when are you coming back?

I miss you too, I'll be back tonight

Are you having fun?

Not as much without you

Its okay, we'll see each other tomorrow right

Yea, I remember when we were young, we would sneak out in the middle of the night just to see each other

I always had to bring a flashlight to lead our way cuz you were afraid of the dark

I thought I told you, we were never to speak of that again

I haven't told any one, yet...

Its been a long day without you Y/N, but I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

I can't wait! I'm getting kind of tired...I'll see you tomorrow

Okay, good night... I love you

I love you too

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