"No, I take it back"

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"Fuck you're sexy" I bit my lip scrolling through Instagram

"You randomly say things for no reason" Justin chuckled

"So you didn't want my compliment..?" I raised an eyebrow


"Nope, it's too late now...I take it back" I cut him off

"Y/n, don't be like that" Justin laughed

"That's your problem" I grinned

I stood up to go get a drink, but Justin pulled me back down.

"Nope, you can't leave"

I smacked my lips "Justin, quit being childish and let me get something to drink"

"Nah, cause you took back that compliment, so I'm taking away your chance to get some water" Justin smirked

"Fight me about it"

"Look who's winning"

I reached my hand up and smacked his cheek, causing him to let go "ahh, bitch"

I took that as a chance to run to the kitchen, I reached in the fridge grabbing the orange juice carton, but Justin slapped it to the floor.

"INTERCEPTION!" He laughed

I stared at the waisted orange juice on the floor "who are you even?" I asked looking up at him "satan?"

Justin clutched his stomach, laughing really hard.

"It's not even funny, Justin" I frowned

"Awe, baby..." Justin wrapped his arms around my shoulders

"Just-I-I-iinn" I whined

"Baby don't cry" he chuckled

"You waisted my orange juice and you never get me more, I always have to get it myself"

"Don't cry, please. I'll go get you some more. Come on" Justin tugged on my arm

"No, leave me alone and clean that up" I spat walking upstairs "douche bag" I mumbled under my breath

I went into the closest and changed my Orange juice covered clothes. Walking around in just a sports bra and panties, I couldn't find my shorts that I wanted to wear. I sat down in front of the basket, digging through them to find my shorts.

"Looking for these?"

I turned around and saw Justin leaning up against the door frame holding my shorts on his finger tip.

"Oh my gosh, yes" I sighed in relief

As I reached for them, he snatched them away and grabbed my waist.

"I love you"

"Justin your hands are cold" I flinched at his touch

"They'll warm up" he smirked, holding my body close to his

"Can I please have my shorts?" I looked away, frowning

"Can I have a kiss?"


"There's your answer"

I pushed away from him, grabbing some pajama pants and walking away.

"Are you really mad, because I waisted your orange juice?" Justin stressed

"Yes, Justin"

"I cleaned it up and went to get you more"

"That was mean, what you did" I walked into the bathroom

Justin came in behind me, shutting the door "why are you in here"

"Because the reason you're mad at me is stupid and you know that I didn't mean too" Justin pushed me against the wall

"Get off" I turned my head

"Look at me, Y/n" Justin grabbed my face and turning it so I'd look at him "you're okay, I didn't hurt you, and I bought you more orange juice. Be happy" Justin demanded

"You can't make me, dude" I groaned

Justin looked in my eyes for a minute before smashing his lips to mine. I tried pushing him away, but then I found myself doing the same. He picked me up, placing me on the counter. Justin moved down to my neck, sucking hard.

"Justin" I moaned

"I'm gonna take care of you, okay?" He whispered, I nodded my head bringing his lips back to mine.

To be continued....

Hey babes, so this is the last imagine for this book, the second part is in the second book Justin Bieber Interracial imagines II.

So go read it, it's out now😁😁

Love you guys💕💖😍😘😊

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