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Justin's POV

"Selena! I'm back" I shouted into my house

I didn't get an answer back. That's weird, her car's out front. I heard screeching, like dragging metal across a wooden floor. I set my stuff down and headed upstairs. Coming across my room, I heard muffled moans. I couldn't believe my eyes, she promised she wouldn't do it again.

"What the hell!" I caught their attention

"Get the hell out of my house before I beat your ass!" I yelled, trowing a ouch at the guys face

He grabbed his things and took off. I looked back to selena. Hatred taking over my emotions, I can't stand this bitch.

"As you you, its over! I never want to see your face again! You fucking promised you wouldn't do it again, I can't believe I wasted my time with you!" I yelled in selenas face

"Justin, I'm sorry" she cried

"CHEATING ISNT A MISTAKE, ITS A FUCKING CHOICE" I was beyond angry at her and she just sat there, shedding tears

"Justin, i-" I cut her off

"Get out" I breathed "and don't ever come back" I gritted my teeth

She grabbed her things, trying to leave with my sheet. I snatched it from her, throwing it to the floor. I sat on the bed, thinking. This is horrible, I don't understand people in our generation. I need some one, some one who will help me, but who.

I took out my phone, tapping on Ryan's contact, then the message icon.


'Yea bro'

'I just caught selena cheating on me, In my own bed'

'Oh my god, what are you gonna do?'

'First I'm gonna burn the bed and get a new one...'


'I don't know'

'Dude, I can't believe you'


'You still haven't noticed?'

'Noticed what, damn!?'

'Y/n has had the biggest fucking crush on you and you still don't like her. She's fucking gorgeous!'

'Ryan, I've liked her since the eighth grade. She's never shown signs of interest in me'

'Because you all those other girls up on you. She told me she didn't want to interfear with your relationships so you wouldn't accuse her of trying to break y'all up'

'Why are you telling me this now?'

'I wasn't going to tell you at all because Y/n didn't want me to, but since you and that slut broke up you need to go get Y/n before I do'

I locked my phone, shoving it into my pocket. I need to get Y/n, I can't believe that she actually like me, I've always thought she just wanted to be friends. I hopped in my car, backing out of the driveway and driving away. I pulled up into her driveway, getting out. I knocked on the door, loud enough for her to hear me.

I heard a sudden scream, I busted through her door. Running through the house, looking for her. The screams were coming from upstairs. She was crying for help, I rushed up the stairs busting into her room. He was positioning himself.

"Stop, please don't. I'll don't anything, justin please don't let him do this to me!" Y/n cried out

End notes

Part two?? Comment☺☺☺

Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now