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I sat on the couch with my three year old son, watching tv. He fell asleep watching finding memo, so I grabbed his little blue blanket and covered him with it.

"Mommy!" Tiara my five year old called

"Whatey" I answered playfully

"Can you take us to daddy's" she poked out her bottom lip

"Just let me text him first and go ask your brother is he wants to go too" I grabbed my phone as tiara ran upstairs

'Hey, your children wanna see you. Is that okay?'

I waited about a minute before I got a text back.

'Yea, do you want me to come get them?'

'No, I'll bring them to you'

I locked my phone and placed it beside me.


"Shh, Ethan is sleeping" I cut her off

"Jalen said yes" she whispered

"Get your rain boots on and your jackets, it's starting to rain" I stared out the patio door in the kitchen.

I went upstairs to jalens' room, seeing him looking out of his window. He watched as the rain hit the glass, sliding down after. I heard his faint sniffle, that's what got me worried.

"What's wrong, honey?" I asked my seven year old son

He didn't answer, he just stood up and wrapped his little arms around me.

"Why are you crying?" I picked him up, letting him cry onto my shoulder

"Why can't you and daddy live together?" He sobbed

"We can, but we just don't want to" I rubbed his back

Jalen looked me in the eyes, I wiped the tears from his.

"It's gonna be okay, I promise" placing a kiss on his forehead, I placed him down on his bed "do you still wanna go see daddy?" I smiled a little

He nodded his head "okay, get your rain boots and your jacket on"

I walked out of his room at he did that and went into Ethan's room, picking up his shoes and his jacket. Making my way downstairs into the living room, I took a seat on the couch. I put Ethan's shoes on at I got his jacket on him without waking him. I got my keys and grabbed my phone along with my umbrella. Picking up Ethan carefully and placing him over my shoulder he didn't wake up.

"T, jalen, let's go" they both came running down the stairs.

We headed over to my Range Rover, getting everyone in. I got in on my side, starting the car and backing out. Justin lives about thirty minutes away, so it isn't hard getting these kids back and forth.

"Mama, Tia woke up Ethan" jalen said

"Nuh uh, Jalen's lying" tiara pouted

"It's fine" I looked into the rear view mirror

.      .      .

I pulled up into Justin's driveway, putting my car in park. Jalen and tiara jumped out running to his door, knocking on it rapidly. I got Ethan out and carried him over to Justin.

"Your children are glad to see you" Justin grabbed Ethan from me

"Glad to see them too" I gave Justin a warm smile as he returned

I looked to Ethan as he rubbed his eyes. "I'll see you later, gimme kissy" he puckered his lips placing them on mine

"Love you Ethan" I smiled

"I love you mommy" he waved

"Bye Justin"

"Bye" he waved, walking back into his house

I got back into my car, driving back home. Tonight I have the house alone and it's going to be quiet. I already miss my babies.

End notes

I don't even know if I like this one, I think I'll do a part two idk. I just like the fact about the three kids, other than that....that's for you to decide


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