|| late night || Diff. Ending 8

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-2 weeks later

I sat up in bed, holding my head as it throbbed in pain. Jack wasn't next to me like usual. I got up and went downstairs, finding Jack and Lillian watching tv.

"Good morning, mommy" lilli smiled

"Good morning, baby" Jack cheesed

"Good morning loves" I made my way to the kitchen to get a drink

I wasn't feeling well, my stomach was turning and I was feeling dizzy. I took a sip of tea, leaning over the sink. Before I knew it, I was throwing up in the sink.

"Oh my god, Y/n! Are you okay!" Jack ran into the kitchen

"Yea, I'm fi-"

I was cut off by the content emptying from my stomach.

"Daddy, is mommy going to be okay?" Lillian asked

"Yea, mommys okay" Jack sighed

He held my hair back out of my face, kissing my temple.

"Do I need to take you to the hospital?" Jack asked

I shook my head, spitting out the rest. I turned sound, holding my head. I began to walk upstairs, with Jack following behind me.

"Jack, just stay down here with lilli. I'll be right back" I walked up to Jack and i's room going into the attached bathroom

I took out the small package from under the he sink, opening it.


My eyes widened, looking at my test. It was positive, a smile grew on my face. I stood up and made my way downstairs quickly.

"Jack!" I called

He stood up quickly

"What happened?" He panicked

I ran and jumped in his arms, holding him tight. He held on to me, confused at what was going on.

"I'm pregnant" a wide smile plastered on my face

"Are you serious!?" He looked back at me

"Yes, I just took the test and It was positive" I squealed

"Yes! I'm so happy!" Jack spun me around

I let go of him, standing on the floor. I can't believe I'm having another child. I don't even know what to name him or her. I'm just so excited to have another baby.

"Mommy am I gonna be a big sister?" Lillian asked

"Mhmm, and your gonna be a good one too" I smiled


I laid down in the bed, resting my head. I understand my stomach hurting, but why is my head hurting so bad?

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jack laid beside me

"I'm fine, I just need to rest" I groaned closing my eyes

There was a small knock on the door before it opened. In came Lillian with her pink plush bunny.

"Mommy, can I come in here with you?" She asked

"Of course you can, come on" I held my hands out

She walked over to me and straight into my arms. Once she settled into our bed, Jack cuddled with us too. I closed my eyes, soon dazing off into a deep slumber.


Jacks POV

I watched as my two angels slept. I've been blessed with the best. They make me so happy, like I've never been this happy in my life. Y/n's phone started to ring in the bed side table

I picked it up and answered...


"Oh uh, is Y/n there" Justin asked frantically

"She's sleeping, what are you wanting?"

"I just wanted to talk to her" I nodded my head slowly

"I'll be sure to let her know" I hung up

I took a good look at Y/n, she's so beautiful. I still can't forgive myself for what I did to her, I just. I don't even know. I know what I'm gonna do.


I knock on the door, waiting for an answer. When Justin opened the door, he froze.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" Justin asked

"I want to talk to you" Justin moved to the side, letting me walk in

"What did you wanna talk about?"

I took a seat on the couch.

"Well, a couple weeks ago, Y/n fainted. She was telling me about how you love her, is that true?" I looked up

"Y-yea" he was scared...smh

"I was willing to take care of our little girl by myself, so she could come back to you" I told him

"Sh-she told me" Justin looked down, realizing he made a mistake

"Do you realize how hurt she was, she wouldn't stop crying. I was so fucking upset with you" anger was starting to take over

"How do you think I felt when you kidnapped her and rapped her!" Justin stood up

"I didn't want to" my blood started boiling as he brought up the past

"Then why'd you do it! She meant everything to me and you took her from me!" Justin raised his voice at me

"You don't know me Justin! You had a family who cared for you, I didn't! She was the only person I wanted and I lost her because some slut kissed me! I didn't even kiss her back, you weren't going to let her go anytime soon, so I had no choice! She showed me the love I wanted, just the way I wanted it!" I spat, I couldn't take it anymore

My life has been a living hell and ever since I got Y/n back. She completes me, she makes me happy and I love her. I got into my car driving back home. My phone started ringing, I picked it up..


"Hey, look. I'm sorry about that. I was just angry" how the fuck did he get my number

"I guess it's okay, I gotta go"

"Okay, bye" I hung up getting out of my car and entering my silent home

"They're probably still sleeping" I whispered to myself

I'll make her the happiest woman alive, I promise that


I didn't know what to say at the end so I just put that Idek

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