°bestfriend 3°

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You locked the door, sliding down it, hitting the floor. You listened for when the door downstairs opened. Your heart was racing, it was beating so loud, you could hear it.

"Hey baby" a feminine voice echoed

You heard Justin clear his throat "we need to talk"

"What about?" Selena asked


"Go on" she implied

"We can't be together anymore" Justin's husky voice played

"What why?" You could hear the sadness in her voice

"Because...I've been thinking of someone else and no one compares to her" he gently stated

"Are you kidding me?! Who is it?! Is she here?!" Selena was raging and you didn't want to get caught

You ran to the bathroom, opening the window. Just as you did so, the bedroom doorr busted open.

"Where the fuck is she!?" Selena yelled

You climbed out, standing by the window, but on the ledge. Damb near about to fall off, you were scared as fuck.

"So someone else was here!" Selena yelled at justin

They were in the room you were hiding in. You didn't know when to go back, you didn't know if you should go back.

"Selena, it doesn't matter. We're over!" Justin's voice roared

"Ugh!" She yelled.

You heard the door slam from outside. Selena got into her car and drove off. You sat there in relief, still holding on to the side of the house.

"Y/n" a voice said, causing you to slip

You hurried to regain your posture before looking in the direction.

"Y/n, baby come here" Justin was holding his arms out for you

You inched over to him, falling into his embrace. The tears began to spill again.

"Y/n, stop crying, I'm right here" justin cooed

He carried you to the bed and laid you down. He crawled in, in front of you, pulling your body close to his.

"I won't ever let anything happen to you" justin whispered before kissing your forehead.

End notes

Well that's the end wanted to do a little more, Idk. But I hope you enjoyed it


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