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The car came to a stop in front of your house. You got out, unbuckling kailyn and grabbing your things. You unlocked the doors to your house, leaving everything at the door. You decided on putting those up tomorrow.

"Kailyn, go get into your jammies" she nodded her head and walked upstairs

You went into the kitchen, grabbing you something to drink, before you went upstairs. You opened your door to your room, closing it behind you. Walking over to your bed, you saw that your balcony doors were slightly opened. You walked over to close them, looking out to see if you could see anyone. A hand covered your mouth and another one wrapped around your waist.

Your muffled screams not getting you anywhere. The person backed into the wall.

"Calm down, babygirl. Its just me" justin whispered in your ear

Your eyes widened, why was he in your house. You got out of his embrace, turning towards him.

"Justin, what are you doing in my house?" You quietly spat

"Like I said, I want you, Y/n" justin spoke

"You have hailey" you turned around so you didn't have to look at him

"Y/n, just let me explain"

"What is there to explain, Justin! You wanted hailey, you got her, but you can't ha-"

"I put her in jail, Y/n" he cut you off

"W-what?" Your eyes widened

"I'd broken up with her cause I couldn't get over you and she destroyed my house, I had to move, Y/n. Due to the damage she's caused" justin took his steps closer to you

"But you left me for her" you whispered

"Because she threatened to hurt you and kailyn! What else was I supposed to do!" Justin grabbed your arms, pulling you closer to him

"I-I d-"

"Don't say anything" he gently placed his lips on yours

He began to slowly move his lips, you soon started doing the same. You wrapped your arms around his waisted, holding him tight

Hope that was good, I tried my hardest because I was bored and wanted to write an imagine. All of this came from the top of my head, I'm running out of ideas.


Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now