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Y/n's POV

Sarah and I just had a sleepover and it was fun but, I was also happy to go home. Sarah wouldn't let me use my phone because, it was a distraction to our friendship. I stayed three nights with her, only because she wanted me to stay extra. I turned on my phone, waiting for my notifications to go off. I'd gotten thirty-two missed calls and fourty-eight texts.

"Oh my goodness, Y/n. You must be important to someone" my mom giggled

"Yea, that's because I'm special" i laughed, tapping on my messages.

Most of them were from my boyfriend, justin. I had a few from hailey and some from Jacques.

Wow, I was truly missed...I smiled to myself

First, I tapped on Justin's messages,reading a few to see what was up.

'Hey babygirl'


'I love you'

'Why won't you text me back?'

'What's going on with you, your being so distant'


"Mom, can you drop me off at Justin's?" I asked

"Yea, sure" she smiled

I tapped on Hailey's messages.

'Hey, y/n'

'Do you know what's wrong with justin?'

'Justin thinks you're cheating on him with Jacques'

My eyes widened at the last text. Why would he think that, Jacques is his cousin. He should know that I would never cheat on him but, why would he think it now? I tapped on Jacques's messages.


'Justin's mad at me but I don't know why?'

'Hello, are you there?'

'Justin, just completely cut me off, but I don't know why'

My mother pulled up into Justin's driveway. I locked my phone opening the door.

"Call me when you want to come home" my mom stated

"Okay, love you" I shut the door, waving at her before she left.

Hailey's text still running through my head. I walked up the stone pathway, stopping at Justin's door. I took a deep breath before softly knocking. I waited five minutes before Justin opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"Well, I wanted to come by and see my boyfriend" you slightly smiled, hiding your anger

I walked in, crossing my arms over my chest, just looking around.

"So where have you been?" Justin asked

"I was at Sarah's, for a sleepover" I watched as justin took a seat in a chair, I stood in front of him

"And you weren't answering your phone because...?"

"Sarah wouldn't let me, simply because she only wanted it to be us two" I replied

"Oh really?" Justin raised an eyebrow

"Yea, so whats up with you. You thinking anything...hm, suspicious?" I walked around the chair slowly

"No" he shook his head

I stopped behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders. Justin tensed under my touch, I bent down to his ear

"Oh, so you don't think I'm cheating on you with Jacques? Is that why you cut him off?" I raised an eyebrow this time

"Who told you that?" He kept his focus on what was in front of him

I'm doing part two, hold your horses


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