A little trip

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"Daddy, where are we going" Alia my five year old daughter asked

"We're going to see daddy's friend" I glanced at her through the rear view mirror

"What about mommy?"

"We're just going on a little trip without her, okay?" I gave her a small smile

It's the middle of the night, I had to get away from her. She's wasn't a good mother, I took Alia with me, she doesn't need an alcoholic mother. It's been raining for about an hour now an it's beginning to thunder.

"Daddy, I'm scared" Alia whimpered

"Don't be, I'm right here. Everything's going to be okay" where we're going is two hours away from here.

Just as long as she can't find us, it's fine. I glanced at Alia once again, seeing that she was dozing off.


I pulled up in the driveway of a very familiar house. I turned off my car, got out, and grabbed Alia. Hurrying to get out of the rain, I reached the doorstep and knocked on the door. It was a few minutes before the door opened. Her eyes grew wide.

"Justin, what are you doing here?"

"We needed to get away, I didn't want her to hurt Alia"

"Come in"

I walked in, still holding Alia in my arms.

"Uhm, I have an extra bedroom upstairs. Here, follow me"

I followed her up the stairs and down the hall. We came to a stop at the door on the very end. I walked in and laid alia in the bed, taking off her shoes, then covering her body with the comforter.

I made my way back over to the door. "You're a great father"

I smiled looking down at the floor "thanks and thank you for letting us stay"

"It's never a problem as long as you're away from her" Y/n rolled her eyes

"Was someone jealous?" I smirked

"No...you chose her and had a child with her. That's your business" Y/n crossed her arms over her chest

"It was a mistake, Y/n. I was young and I couldn't let her go through it by herself" I explained

"But that's none of my business" Y/n moved from in front of me and headed to her room

"Are you really mad at me?" I asked, following her

She stopped in her tracks "No, I'm not mad at you...it's just that I loved you, so much more than that woman, but you still chose her over me. I still continued to love you. Yea, I could've moved on, but I didn't and that's why I'm mad"

I watched as she went into her room, closing her door behind herself. I went back into the extra bedroom, climbing in bed with Alia.


I was startled by her little voice and the fact that she was awake.


"Do you love her, too?"

She was listening in on our conversation...

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