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Clad in the suit he hadn't worn since right before The Airport in Germany, a day which had changed everything for him, Peter Parker bolted out of the fire exit only for a grunt to escape him as a strong force slammed into the side of his face sending his body flying across the bus lot; losing his grip on his web shooters as his body rolled across the harsh concrete.

"He gave you a choice. You chose wrong."

Looking up, Peter froze, his lenses narrowing as he spotted one of the guys from the bust which had led to Mr Stark having to send a suit to fish him out of the Hudson the night of Liz's party. The device he was wearing on his right hand was the same one he had seen on another guy that night, yet clearly, the weapon had been passed down to the next lackey in line.

"What the hell? "

Peter really didn't want to think about what had happened to the last guy who wore that glowing glove.

The bald man oozing with confidence just smirked down at him, eyes dancing with amusement as he eyed Spider-Man's suit. A suit that no one had seen him in since the fight in Germany where most of the Avengers had ended up getting locked away in the R.A.F.T before escaping and vanishing into the shadows, unable to be tracked down.

"What's with the crappy costume?"

The second he spotted the crusher-type glove starting to glow a bright blue, Peter's eyes widened in panic, eyes quickly jumping to his web shooters "My web shooters." He rushed forward only for The Shocker to swing out his fist sending a blast at a nearby yellow school bus, sending it flying right in Spider-Man's direction.

The corner of the bus slammed right into the base of his spine causing Peter to scream as his body was once again sent flying, grip on his web shooters vanishing in an instant as his back collided with another bus, the yellow metal denting behind him, glass flying everywhere as he collapsed to the ground, head slamming into the concrete.

A whimper escaped him as he stumbled up to his knees, pain vibrating through his entire body.

Where the hell was Mira!?

"Could really use some pink marbles right now." He huffed only an energy blast to slam into his face the second he was on his feet sending him flying off his feet and crashing right through the exit doors of another bus, colliding with every pleather bench inside before he crashed near the front row of seats at the head off the bus on his back.

Coughing as the wind was wind knocked out of him, Peter blinked only to instantly groan as he got a good look under one of the seats.

It was littered with so much old used chewing gum.

"Ugh, gross."

He was never chewing gum again, no way in hell.

The bus went flying, flipping through the air causing Peter to scream as he was thrown between the walls and seats, the turbulence leaving his head spinning as the bus flipped over and over across the lot. His head banged against every surface, glass spraying all around them as he was spun around the small space like he was trapped in a dryer which had been left spinning. His back rolled against the ceiling as the bus flipped over again before finally his body was sent flying out of the backdoors. 

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