If I Only Have The Nerve

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Dick, Scarecrowette, Tin Man and Toto are walking deep in the forest is dark. Dick felt nervous and scared upon hearing spooky noises.

Dick: (Scared) I don't like this forest. It's dark and creepy.

Scarecrowette: Of course, I don't know, but I think it'll get darker before it gets lighter.

Dick nods and turns to Tin Man

Dick: Do... (gulps) Do you suppose we'll meet any wild animals?

Tin Man: Mmm, we might.

Dick gasped

Scarecrowette: (Nervously) Animals that eat straw?

Tin Man: Uh, some but mostly lions and tigers and bears.

Dick: Lions!

Scarecrowette: And tigers?

Tin Man: And bears!

Dick: (Gasps) Lions and tigers and bears! Holy mammal!

All: (Together and they march fearfully down the road) Lion and tigers and bears!

Dick: Holy mammal!

All: Lions and tigers and bears!

Dick: Holy mammal!

All: Lions and tigers and bears!

Dick: Holy mammal!

Scarecrowette jumps back in fear upon hearing the lioness roar. Dick, Tin Man, and Scarecrowette get scared as the lioness approached them. She gets up on her feet and she roars at them as Scarecrowette and Tin Man cower on the ground. Dick hides from behind the tree.

Cowardly Lioness: (Challenging Scarecrowette and Tin Man) Put em up! Put em up! Which one of you first? I'll fight you both together if you want. I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back! I'll fight standing on one foot! I'll fight with my eyes closed! (To Tin Man) Oh, pulling an axe on me, eh? (To Scarecrowette) Sneaking up on me, eh? Why...

She growls at Tin Man.

Tin Man: Here, here. Go away and let us alone.

Cowardly Lioness: Oh, scared, huh? Afraid huh? How long you stay fresh in that can? (Chuckling) Come on, get up and fight, you shivering junkyard. (To Scarecrowette) Put your hands up, you lopsided bag of hay!

Scarecrowette: Now that's getting personal, Lioness.

Tin Man: Yes, get up and teach her a lesson.

Scarecrow: What's wrong with you teaching her?

Tin Man: Well, I hardly know her.

Toto barks at Lioness

Cowardly Lioness: (To Toto) Well, I'll get you anyway, peewee.

Lioness chases Toto which shocks Dick and he comes to her defense picking her up. As Lioness approached her trying to attack her, Dick slapped Lioness in the nose.

Dick: (Scolding) Shame on you!

Cowardly Lioness: (Crying) What did you do that for? I didn't bite her.

Dick: No, but you tried to. But it's bad enough picking on a straw woman but when you go around picking on poor little puppies.

Cowardly Lioness: Well, you didn't have to go and hit me, did you? Is my nose bleeding?

Dick: Well, of course not. (Lioness wipes her tears with her tail) My goodness, what a fuss you're making! Well, naturally when you go around picking on things weaker than you are. Why, you're nothing but a great big coward!

Cowardly Lioness: You're right, I am a coward! I haven't had any courage at all. I even scare myself! Look at the circles under my eyes. I haven't slept in weeks.

Tin Man: Why don't you try counting sheep?

Cowardly Lioness: That doesn't do any good. I'm afraid of them.

Scarecrowette: Oh, that's too bad. (To Dorothy) Don't you think the Wizard could help her too?

Dick: I don't see why not. (To Lioness) Why don't you, come along with us? We're on our way to see the Wizard now. To get him a heart.

Tin Man: And her a brain.

Dick: I'm sure, he could give you some courage.

Cowardly Lioness: Well, wouldn't you feel degraded to be seen in the company of a cowardly lion? I would.

Dick: No, of course not.

Cowardly Lioness: Gee, that's awfully nice of you. My life has been simply unbearable.

Dick: (Wiping Lioness' tears with his handkerchief) Oh. Well It's all right now. The Wizard will fix everything.

Cowardly Lioness: It's been in me so long. I just gotta tell you how I feel.

Dick: Well, come on!

Lioness: Said a lioness, poor, neurotic lioness
To a miss who'll listen to her rave.
Oh, the lord made me a lioness but
the lord forgot to make me brave

Dick: Then her tail began to curl and wave

Lioness: Yeh, it's sad, believe me, mister
When you're born to have a sister
Without the vim and verve
But I could show my prowess
Be a lioness not a mouse
If I only had the nerve
I'm afraid there's no denyin'
I'm just a dandelion
A fate I don't deserve
But I could change my habits
Never more be scared of rabbits
If I only had the nerve!
Oh, I'd be in my stride
A queen down to the core
I could roar the way I've never roared before
And then I'd grrrr
And roar some more
I'd show the dinosaurus
Who's queen around the forest
A queen she better serve
I'd be brave as a blizzard...

Tin Man: I'd be gentle as a lizard

Scarecrowette: I'd be clever as a gizzard

Dick: (Singing) If the Wizard is a wizard,
who will serve

Scarecrow: Then I'm sure to get a brain

Tin Man: A heart

Dorothy Gale: A home.

Cowardly Lion: The nerve

All: Oh, we're off to see the Wizard
The wonderful Wizard of Oz
We hear he is a whiz of a wiz
If ever a wiz there was
If ever, oh ever a wiz there was
The Wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because
Because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
We're off to see the Wizard
The wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Dick , Scarecrowette, Tin Man, Lioness and Toto continue their journey to the Emerald City.

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