Final Battle

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The scene changes where Toto climbs down the rocky mountain and she goes back to the Haunted Forest. Tin Man and Lioness finish putting Scarecrowette back together as Toto approaches them.

Tin Man: Look! There's Toto. Where'd she come from?

Toto barks.

Scarecrowette: Why, don't you see? She's come to take us to Dick. Come on, fellas!

Scarecrowette, Tin Man and Lioness follow Toto. The camera switches where Scarecrowette, Tin Man, Lion, and Toto climb up the rocky mountain. Tin Man holds onto Lioness's tail, he nearly lost his balance and the rock falls down.

Cowardly Lioness: I hope my strength holds out.

Tin Man: I hope your tail holds out!

Lioness, Tin Man and Scarecrow see the Witch's castle.

Cowardly Lioness: (Softly, pointing to the castle) What's that? What's that?

Scarecrowette: (Softly) That's the castle of the Wicked Witch. Dick's in that awful place?

Tin Man: (Crying fearfully) Oh, I hate to think of her in there. We've got to get her out.

Scarecrowette: Don't cry now. We haven't got the oilcan with us, and you've been squeaking enough as it is.

Cowardly Lioness: (Sees someone and points) Who's them? Who's them?

Outside of the Witch's castle. The Winkie guards are marching and they chant.

Winkie Guards: (Chanting as they march) Oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah, oh we ah, we oh ah.

Scarecrowette: I've got a plan how to get in there.

Cowardly Lioness: Fine. He's got a plan.

Scarecrowette: And you're gonna lead us.

Cowardly Lioness: Yeah. (Surprised) Me?

Scarecrowette: Yes, you.

Cowardly Lioness: I gotta get him out of there?

Tin Man: That's right.

Cowardly Lioness: (Determined) All right, I'll go in there for Dick. Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch. Guards or no guards, I'll tear them apart. Ruff! I may not come out alive, but I'm going in there. There's only one thing I want you fellas to do.

Scarecrowette and Tin Man: (Together) What's that?

Cowardly Lioness: Talk me out of it.

Lioness tries to leave.

Tin Man: (Stopping Lion among with Scarecrowette) No, you don't.

Cowardly Lioness: Now, wait a minute.

Scarecrowette: (Urging Lioness) Up!

The camera switches where the hourglass is running out. The camera switches back where Lioness, Scarecrowette, Tin Man, and Toto watch the Winkie guards march. Toto barks and the trio shushed her then Scarecrowette holds Toto safely. The three Winkie guards approach them as Lioness felt scared and whimpered, Scarecrowette and Tin Man shush her. The Winkie guards come down and ambushed them. Then Scarecrowette, Tin Man, Lioness fight back the three guards overpowering them. Tin Man, Scarecrowette, and Lioness wear the guard's uniforms and Toto is holding a red tassel in his mouth. The Winkie guards form a line to march into the castle.

Scarecrowette: Come on, I've got another idea.

Cowardly Lioness: Do you think it would be polite dropping in like this?

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