Meeting the Wizard

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Wizard's guard: (Growling angrily and coming out) The wizard says go away!

He goes back in the palace.

All: (Shocked together) Go away?

Scarecrowette: (Sadly) Looks like we came a long way for nothing.

Dick: (Crying and sitting down) And I was so happy. I thought I was on my way home.

Tin Man: (Comforting Dick) Don't cry Dick, we're gonna get you to the Wizard.

Scarecrowette: (Agreeing with Tin Man) We certainly are.

The guard looks on regretfully.

Dick: (Tearfully) Aunt Harriet was so good to me. And I never appreciated it. Running away and hurting her feelings. Professor Marvel said she was sick. She may be dying and It's all my fault. (The Wizard's guard starts to cry) I'll never forgive myself. Never, never, never.

Scarecrowette and Tin Man continue to comfort Dick.

Wizard's guard: (Tearfully to Dick) Please don't cry anymore. I'll get you into the Wizard somehow. Come on. I had an Aunt Em myself once.

Continues crying and opens the double doors. Dick and his friends get up and walk into the entrance.

Cowardly Lioness: (Nervously) Wait a minute, fellas. I was just thinking, I really don't want to see the Wizard this much. I better wait for you outside.

Scarecrowette: (Concerned) What's the matter?

Tin Man: Oh, she's just scared again.

Dick: Don't you know the Wizard is gonna give you some courage?

Cowardly Lioness: I'd be too scared to ask him for it.

Dick: Well, then, we'll ask for him for you.

Cowardly Lioness: I'd sooner wait outside.

Dick: Why? Why?

Cowardly Lioness: Because I'm still scared!

Crying then she pulls her own tail and yelped

Scarecrowette: What happened?

Cowardly Lioness: Somebody pulled my tail.

Scarecrowette: You did it yourself.

Cowardly Lioness: I... (Understands) Oh.

Scarecrowette: (Takes the Lioness's tail out of his paws) Here. Come on.

They slowly took one step forward.

Wizard of Oz: (Booming voice) Come forward!

The chamber doors open.

Cowardly Lioness: Tell me when it's over. (Dick and his friends walk into the Wizard's chamber as Lioness covers her eyes) Look at that. Look at that! (Continues crying) I wanna go home!

The Wizard appears as a green disembodied head above the throne with roaring fires.

Wizard of Oz: I am Oz the great and powerful! (To Dick) Who are you? Who are you?

Dick: (Comes forward, Nervously) If you please, I am Dick the small and meek. We've come to ask you.

Wizard of Oz: SILENCE!

Dick: (Scared, running back to his friends) Oh! Oh! Holy smoke!

Wizard of Oz: The great and powerful Oz knows why you have come. Step forward Tin Man! (Tin Man comes forward) You dare to come to me for a heart, do you? You clinking, clanking, clattering collection of collginous junk!

Tin Man: (Shivering nervously) Uh, yes-yes sir. Yes, Your Honor. You see a while back, we were walking down the yellow brick road and...

Wizard of Oz: QUIET! (Tin Man felt terrified and walks back to the group) And you, Scarecrowette have the effrontery to ask for a brain you billowing bale of bovine fodder!

Scarecrowette: (Nervously) Yes, Your Honor, I mean, Your Excellency. I mean, Your Wizardry!

She is bowing to him.

Wizard of Oz: ENOUGH! (Scarecroette goes back to the group.) And you, Lioness! (Lioness steps forward) Well?

Lioness is unable to answer and she faints on the floor as Dick, Scarecrowette, Tin Man kneel down to help her wake up.

Dick: (Furiously) Holy cardiac arrest! You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Frightening him like that when he came to you for help!

Wizard of Oz: Silence, whippersnapper! The beneficent Oz has every intention of granting your requests.

Cowardly Lioness: (Surprised while waking up) What's that? What'd he say? Huh? What'd he say?

Dick and Scarecrowette help her up.

Wizard of Oz: But first you must prove yourselves worthy by performing a very small task. Bring me the broomstick of the Witch of the West.

Tin Man: (Stammering nervously) But if we do that, we'll have to kill her to get it!

Wizard of Oz: Bring me her broomstick and I'll grant your requests. (Singing)
Bring me the broomstick of the Witch of the West!
Bring me the broomstick of the Witch of the West
I've spoken so you'll obey!
Bring me the broomstick and I'll grant your request
Now do precisely what I say!
I said go!
Be off and be on your way!
Bring me the broomstick of the Witch of the West
These are your orders...
Now obey! (Spoken) Now go!

Cowardly Lioness: But what if she kills us first?

Wizard of Oz: (Furiously) I SAID GO!!!

Lioness gets extremely frightened and runs out of the throne room then she jumps out through the glass window. The scene fades to black.

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