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The camera changes to the Haunted Forest as it shows the gnarled face tree then the camera pans to the sign that says "Haunted Forest, Witch's Castle, 1 mile and "I'd turn back if were you." Dick and his friends arrive at the haunted forest carrying weapons then stop to look at the sign.

Cowardly Lioness: (Reading the sign) "I'd turn back if I were you."

She nods her head and whirls around then Dick, Scarecrowette, and Tin Man stop her. They shook their heads and Lioness tries to roar but they saw two owls perched on limb of tree. She tried to run away but Tin Man and Scarecrowette firmly grab her and carry her forward as she cries. They saw two vultures perched on limb of tree.

Scarecrowette: I believe there's spooks around here.

Tin Man: That's ridiculous! Spooks. That's silly.

Cowardly Lioness: Don't you believe in spooks?

Tin Man: No. Why only... Oh!

He's suddenly lifted into the air as Dick, Scarecrowette, and Lioness look up then Tin Man lands on the ground. Dick and Scarecrowette run to Tin Man's aide.

Scarecrowette: (Helping up Tin Man among with Dick) Are you all right?

Cowardly Lioness: (Chanting nervously) I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I do.

The camera switches to the Witch's castle as the witch and her winged monkeys look at Lion in the crystal ball.

Wicked Witch of the West: (Laughs to Lioness) You'll believe in more than that before I'm finished with you. (Walks up to Nikko) Take your army to the Haunted Forest and bring me that boy and his puppy. Do what you want with the others, but I want him alive and unharmed. They'll give no trouble I promised you that. I've sent a little insect on ahead to take flight out of them. (Laughs) Take special care of the emerald slippers. I want those most of all. Now, fly! Fly! Bring me that boy and his slippers! Fly! Fly! Fly!

The winged monkeys fly to the Haunted Forest. In the forest, our heroes heard a noise from the trees. It was the Jitterbug.

Dick: Did you just hear what I just heard?

Scarecrowette: That noise didn't come from an ordinary bird

Dick: It may be just a cricket or a critter in the tree

Tin Man: It's giving me the jitters in the joints around my knees

Lioness: I think I see a shadow and it's fuzzy and it's furry

Scarecrowette: I havn't got a brain but I think I ought to worry

Tin Man: I havn't got a heart but I feel a palpitation

Lioness: As monarch of the forest I don't like the situation

Dick: Are you gonna stand around and let them fill us full of horror?

Lioness: I'd like to roar them down... But I think I lost my roarer

Scarecrowette: It's a whosis!

Lioness: It's a whosis?

Tin Man: It's a whatsits!

Lioness: It's a whatsits?

Scarecrowette: Who's that?

Tin Man: Who's there?

Lioness: Who's where?

All: Beware!

Dick: (singing) Who's that hiding
in the tree tops?
It's that rascal
The jitterbug!
Should you catch him
buzzing 'round you?
Keep away from
The jitterbug!
Oh the bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees
Have a terrible, horrible buzz
But the bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees
Couldn't do what the jitter bug does.
So just be careful of that rascal
keep away from
The Jitterbug!
The Jitterbug

All:  Oh, the bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees
Have a terrible horrible buzz
But the bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees
couldnt do what the jitterbug does.

Dick: So be careful of the rascal
Keep away from

All: The Jitterbug
The Jitterbug
The Jitterbug
The Jitterbug (they started to dance.)
Oh the jitter!
Oh the bug!
Oh the jitterbug do-wah do-wah do-wah do-wah!
On a twitter
In the throes
Oh the critter's got me dancing
on a thousand toes
There she blows!
Dididit dididit dididit dididit dididit dididit didit!
Dididit dididit dididit dididit dididit dididit didit!
Dididit dididit dididit dididit dididit dididit didit!
Dididit dididit dididit dididit dididit dididit didit!
Who's the hi-hi-hiding
In the tree-hee-hee tops?
It's that rascal the jitterbug, jitterbug, jitterbug!
Should you ca-ya-yatch him
buzzing rou-rou-round you
Keep away from the jitterbug
The Jitterbug
The Jitterbug
Oh, the bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees
Have a terrible horrible buzz
But the bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees
couldnt do what the jitter bug
do what the jitterbug
do what the jitter bug does
So be careful of that rascal
keep away from
The Jitterbug
The Jitterbug
The Jitterbug
The Jitterbug
The Jitterbug
Look out for that bug!

They dance the Jitterbugs but stopped as the bug goes away. The winged monkeys approach from the sky. Dick and his friends get frightened as they run the winged monkeys swoop down to the ground. Dick is chased by two winged monkeys.

Dick: Help! Help!

Tin Man: (Surrounded by winged monkeys) Go away now!

One of them snatch his axe

Scarecrowette: Help! Help! Oh!

The winged monkeys tear her apart.

Dick: Toto! Toto! Help!

Two winged monkeys grab him he screams as they carry him off. One winged monkey picks up Toto and carries her off as well. All of the winged monkeys fly back to the Witch's castle.

Scarecrowette: Help! Help! Help!

Tin Man and Lioness kneel down to check on her.

Tin Man: Well, what happened to you?

Scarecrowette: They tore my legs off and threw them over there! Then they took my chest out and threw it over there!

Tin Man: Well, that's you all over.

Cowardly Lioness: They sure knocked the stuffing's out of you, didn't they?

Scarecrowette: Don't stand there talking. Put me together. We've got to find Dick!

Tin Man: (Starts to fix Scarecrowette) Now, let's see...

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