Chapter 1

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Maya and Carina's bond began to bloom during their time at university, where they found comfort in each other's presence amidst the chaos of student life. What started as a deep friendship gradually evolved into a love that transcended words, creating a connection that was profound and unshakable.
However, their relationship took a sudden and heartbreaking turn, leading to a devastating breakup that left both Maya and Carina struggling to come to terms with the void that now existed between them.

Following their separation, Carina ventured into the glamorous world of modeling in Italy, where her striking beauty and talent propelled her to the top of the fashion industry. Despite her success, she couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness that lingered within her, prompting her to return to the place where her heart once belonged.

Meanwhile, Maya, a talented architect and rising star in her field, carried a secret known only to a select few. Amidst the challenges of her university days and the rollercoaster of her past relationship with Carina, Maya grappled with the knowledge that she was intersex— a truth she had only shared with her closest friends, her mother Katherine, her sex partners and Carina.

As Maya immersed herself in her work in the quiet sanctuary of her office, her diligent assistant, Rose, approached her with a sense of urgency in her voice.
"Maya, I've just received a notification about an appointment in the city this afternoon. Your taxi will be here any moment now," Rose informed Maya, her eyes reflecting an air of mystery and excitement.

Surprised by this unexpected development, Maya nodded in acknowledgment, trusting Rose's impeccable organization skills as she prepared to venture into the bustling metropolis for her unforeseen meeting.
Soon enough, a sleek black car arrived at Maya's doorstep, whisking her away to a spacious open property in the heart of the city.

As Maya stepped out of the sleek black car onto the open property, her eyes fixed on the figure standing at the center with a mixture of surprise and steely determination. The sun cast a golden glow on her sharp features, accentuating the aura of professionalism and authority that surrounded her like a cloak. Beside her, Rose stood poised and elegant in her chic dress and heels, her presence unobtrusive yet ever-present, a silent witness to the unfolding drama.

"Carina," Maya's voice cut through the silence, devoid of the warmth or affection that could have softened its edges. Her tone was business-like, cold, betraying none of the emotions that churned beneath the surface at the unexpected reunion.

Carina, her expression a mix of shock and apprehension, met Maya's gaze with a sense of trepidation, the weight of their shared history palpable in the air between them. As Maya approached her with measured steps, the distance between them seemed to shrink, yet an invisible barrier of professionalism and detachment remained firmly in place.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here,"

Maya's words were devoid of sentiment, her gaze unwavering as she studied Carina with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.
Carina, struggling to maintain her composure in the face of Maya's cold demeanor, searched for the right words to bridge the gap that yawned between them. The silence that hung heavy in the air spoke volumes, each word left unspoken a testament to the complex web of emotions that entwined their fates.

As Maya and Carina stood face to face, their past and present colliding in a dance of conflicting emotions, Rose stood by Maya's side, a silent witness to the unspoken tension that crackled in the air. Unaware of the depths of their shared history, Rose observed the exchange with a sense of curiosity and intrigue, her presence a silent reminder of the delicate balance between business and personal in Maya's carefully curated world.

It was Carina who finally broke the silence that had enveloped them.
"Maya," Carina began, her voice steady and determined, "I want you to design my home."

Maya's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a flicker of disbelief crossing her features before she composed herself. "Your home?" she repeated, her voice betraying no hint of the emotions that churned within her.

Carina nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Yes. I've seen your work, Maya. I know you're the best in the business, and I want your expertise for my project," she explained, her voice laced with conviction.

Maya studied Carina intently, her sharp eyes searching for any hint of ulterior motives. "Why now, Carina? After all this time?" she probed, her tone measured and cautious.

Carina took a deep breath, her gaze locking with Maya's. "Because I believe in second chances," she confessed, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I know we have a complicated history, but I want to set things right. And I trust you, Maya. I trust that you can bring my vision to life."

Maya's mask of detachment wavered for a moment, a hint of vulnerability peeking through before she regained her composure. "I'll consider your offer, Carina," she said finally, her tone neutral. "But know that my professional boundaries will remain intact."

Carina nodded, a sense of understanding passing between them. "I respect that, Maya. I just want the opportunity to work with the best," she said, a flicker of hope shining in her eyes.

As Maya and Carina stood face to face, their shared history casting a shadow over their exchange, Rose watched with a sense of curiosity and intrigue. Unaware of the intricacies of their past, Rose observed the delicate dance between client and designer, each word spoken carrying the weight of unspoken emotions and untold stories.

After Carina's surprising request, Maya maintained a composed exterior as she contemplated the proposition. Finally, she turned to Rose, who stood quietly observing the interaction between Maya and Carina.

"Rose, please arrange a meeting with Carina at her convenience," Maya instructed, her tone business-like and devoid of warmth.

Rose, ever the diligent assistant, nodded and quickly took note of the instruction. "Yes, Ms. Bishop. I'll reach out to Ms. DeLuca to schedule a meeting," she responded, her voice polite and professional.

Carina watched the exchange silently, a mixture of hope and apprehension swirling within her. "Thank you, Rose. I appreciate your help in facilitating this," she said, offering a grateful smile.

Maya acknowledged Carina's gratitude with a cool nod before turning her attention back to Rose. "Make sure the meeting is set up at my office. Keep Carina informed of the details," Maya added, her voice firm and decisive.
Rose nodded in understanding, already moving to execute the task she had been given. "I'll take care of it right away, Ms. Bishop," she assured, her efficiency palpable.

As Rose bustled about to arrange the meeting, Maya and Carina stood in a brief moment of silence, the weight of their shared history hanging between them. Carina's request had caught Maya off guard, stirring emotions she had long tried to bury. And as the meeting was set in motion, the prospect of working together once more loomed on the horizon, promising both challenges and potential resolutions.

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