Chapter 11

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Thank you, Carlos," Carina says as he drops her off at home.

"No problem, Mrs. DeLuca. Have a great day."

Carina opens the door to her apartment and notices someone is home.

"Hello? Gabri? Andrea?"

Andrea rushes out of the guest room.
"Carina, there you are. Sorry for surprising you like this. I forgot my apartment key last night and didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Andy. I know you keep your key in the key box, and it was the first solution that came to mind."

"It's okay, Andrea, but just message me next time."

"You're right," Andrea agrees.

"Make sure you change my bed sheets, fratellino," Carina says, laughing.

"I will," he responds.

"How was it?" Carina asks as she walks to the kitchen to make coffee.

"I had a great time," Andrea says with a wink.

"Yuck," Carina says.

"You asked for it," Andrea replies.

"I might as well ask you how it was," he continues.

"Don't ask me anything. I was so drunk I can barely remember anything," she says.
He laughs as Carina slides a coffee in front of him.

"Don't you have to get back to your date?" Carina asks.

"She's still asleep, but at that moment, Andy walks into the living room in Andrea's shirt.

"Can someone stop me next time I decide to drink on a weekday?" Andy says, clearly waking up with a hangover.

Andrea and Carina laugh.
"Good morning, Andy," Carina says.

"Good morning."

"I'm so happy to see you again after all these years, Carina."

"Me too, Andy."

"I hope you'll someday explain to me what happened back then and why you suddenly disappeared. We always had so much fun. I'm not here to talk about Maya's feelings, but you understand that Maya is obviously my best friend, and I hated how her heart was broken."

"I know, Andy. If I could turn back time, I would, but I can't, and I'll have to live with the consequences. I hope Maya can forgive me someday."

"How was last night?" Andy asks.

"I don't remember much," Carina says. "But what I do know is that Maya hasn't changed a bit. Her caring nature is one in a million, and she's just a big magnet pulling me towards her."

"She has that effect on so many people," Andy replies. "Maya is very special."

Meanwhile, Andrea has stepped into the shower.

"Don't break his little heart, okay, Andy?" Carina asks.

"I really like him, Carina, I wouldn't dare. Do you understand that I'm scared he's 25?"

"I understand," Carina says, "but Andrea is different. He's been in love with you since we were in our first year of university."

"And you know what's surprising?" Andy continues, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Despite only spending about 10 hours together, I really enjoy being around him."

Carina raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Andy's revelation. "Only 10 hours? And you already feel that way?"

Andy nods, a hint of wonder in his eyes. "Yeah, it's strange, isn't it? But there's something about him, Carina. He's genuine, funny, and easy to talk to. I feel like we've "known" each other for much longer."

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