Chapter 2

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As Maya and Carina parted ways, each heading to their respective cars, the atmosphere crackled with tension and unspoken emotions. Carina gracefully slipped into her sleek grey Porsche Cayenne, the engine purring to life as she drove away, leaving Maya standing by the taxi, a dark blue suit hugging her form.

Rose, Maya's diligent assistant, lingered nearby, her gaze lingering on Maya's figure as she approached. There was an undeniable attraction simmering beneath the surface, evident in the subtle shift of Rose's demeanor as she drew closer to Maya.

"Ms. Bishop, you've been quiet. Is everything alright?" Rose's voice was soft, her concern evident as she reached out to gently touch Maya's arm. "You seem... distant."

Maya shifted uncomfortably under Rose's touch, her expression unreadable as she met Rose's gaze. "I'm fine, Rose," she replied curtly, her tone clipped. "Just a lot on my mind."

Rose withdrew her hand, sensing Maya's reluctance to engage further. "Of course, Ms. Bishop. If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here," she offered, her voice gentle and understanding.

As they made their way back to the waiting taxi, Maya couldn't help but wonder about the woman who had left such a profound impact on her life. "Rose, why didn't you tell me the client's name before the meeting?" Maya ventured, her curiosity getting the better of her.
Rose hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by Maya's question. "I... I didn't think it was relevant at the time," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Maya nodded in understanding, her mind already racing ahead to the day ahead. She needed to clear her schedule, to focus all her energy and attention on the unexpected project that lay before her. "Rose, I want my entire day cleared. Cancel all my appointments and reschedule any meetings," Maya instructed, her voice firm and decisive.

Rose nodded in acknowledgment, already pulling out her phone to make the necessary arrangements. "Consider it done, Ms. Bishop," she replied, her efficiency unwavering.

As Maya and Rose settled into the backseat of the taxi, Maya's thoughts turned inward, the weight of the day's events pressing heavily on her mind. She couldn't shake off the lingering sense of unease that gnawed at her, nor the memories of a past she had long tried to forget.

As the taxi weaved through the bustling city streets, Maya's mind was consumed with thoughts of the unexpected encounter with Carina and the proposition she had presented. Rose sat quietly beside her, occasionally stealing glances in Maya's direction, her curiosity evident despite Maya's reserved demeanor.

As they approached Maya's office building, the imposing structure looming ahead, Maya's focus shifted to the tasks that lay ahead. She needed to regroup, to gather her thoughts and prepare herself for the challenges that awaited her.
"Here we are, Ms. Bishop," the driver announced, bringing the taxi to a smooth stop in front of the glass-fronted building.
Maya wasted no time, swiftly exiting the taxi and striding purposefully towards the entrance, Rose following closely behind. The familiar sight of the sleek lobby greeted them as they stepped inside, the air humming with the energy of productivity and ambition.

With each step, Maya's resolve solidified, her determination to tackle the day's challenges unwavering. She led the way to the elevator, Rose trailing behind, their footsteps echoing in the empty lobby.

As the elevator doors slid shut, enveloping them in a cocoon of silence, Maya's mind raced with thoughts of the project ahead. She needed to clear her schedule, to focus all her energy and attention on the task at hand.

The elevator pinged softly as it reached Maya's floor, the doors sliding open to reveal the familiar sight of her office suite. Maya wasted no time, striding purposefully towards her office door, Rose following closely behind.

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