Chapter 9

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"I really love this place, but this line is terrible," says Andrea.

Carina is feeling much better by now and also says, "Ugh, I hate this line."

"At least it means it's a busy and hopefully fun night inside," says Gabriella.

"True," say Andrea and Carina.

"Frattelino, remind me again why we don't have a VIP table?" Carina asks, laughing.

Andrea laughs. "This club is already unaffordable, and you want a VIP table."

"Yeah, please Andrea, will you go ask?"
Andrea steps out of the line and walks over to the men at the door. There's also a woman with a clipboard with a guest list.

"Hi, good evening," says Andrea, "do you still have VIP tables available?"

"I'm sorry," says the woman at the door, "we're fully booked. If you don't have a table or aren't on the list, I'll have to ask you to go back in line."

Andrea points his finger in the air towards Carina and Gabriella.

"Ugh, why didn't we arrange this earlier?" says Carina.

"It's okay," says Gabriella, "we'll just wait."

"What's your name?" the woman asks Andrea. He replies, "Andrea DeLuca."

"DeLuca?" she responds, "As in DeLuca from Carina DeLuca, the famous model?"

"Yes, she's my sister," says Andrea. "She's further down the line."

At that moment, Andrea waves to Carina and Gabriella.

"Your little brother managed it after all," says Gabriella, laughing.

"I can see why with his looks," says Carina, and at that moment they step out of line towards Andrea.

"Carina, Gabriella, meet..." and at that moment, the woman answers, "Sam. I'm a really big fan, Ms. DeLuca," says Sam.

"Oh, and here I was thinking it was your charm that did it," says Gabriella, laughing at Andrea.

"Leave him alone, Gabi," says Carina.

"Thank you, Andrea."

"Thank you," says Carina to Sam, "but I think we should thank you."

"No need to thank me, enjoy your evening," says Sam, and at that moment, she informs the bouncers that they're on the guest list.

"Not many people recognize me in America," says Carina, surprised as they walk inside.

"Apparently, some do," says Andrea. "Let's enjoy tonight."

"To us," says Carina as she kisses both Gabriella and Andrea on the cheek.

"To us," says Andrea.

"To finding a one-night stand for us and a girlfriend for Andrea," says Gabriella, looking at Carina.

"Typical Gabriella," says Andrea, looking at his sister.

"Leave her be," says Carina.


"Jack, do you choose the drinks tonight, or should I?" Maya asks.

"As in, I can choose anything?" Jack asks.

"Anything," Maya confirms, "choose
whatever you want."

At that moment, Jack calls over a waiter and orders large bottles of champagne, vodka, and the most expensive whiskey.

A little later, the bottles arrive with fireworks in buckets filled with ice.
Vic returns at that moment.

"There you are," says Andy, "we were afraid we'd lost you for the evening."
Maya and Andy laugh.

The Architect, A Marina love storyWhere stories live. Discover now