Chapter 3

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Maya quickly gathers herself, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts as she watches Carina leave her office. With determination burning in her chest, Maya swiftly adjusts her suit and rushes out of her office, her chic shoes clicking against the polished floor as she moves with purpose.

As Maya rushes towards Carina's car, her heart pounding in her chest, she reaches the sleek grey Porsche Cayenne just as Carina is about to close the door. With a sense of urgency, Maya calls out, "Carina, wait!"

Carina pauses, her hand still on the door handle, as she turns to face Maya. There's a flicker of surprise in her eyes at the unexpected encounter, mingled with a hint of apprehension.

Maya slows her pace as she reaches Carina's car, her breath coming in ragged gasps from the sprint. She meets Carina's gaze, her expression determined yet tinged with vulnerability.

Before Maya can speak, Carina's voice cuts through the air, her tone cool and composed. "You can still run, I see," she says, her words laden with meaning. "Don't you have something to finish with your assistant?"

Maya's suddenly thinks at the reminder of the unfinished business awaiting her back in her office. She knows she can't ignore the responsibilities of her professional life, even in the midst of this unexpected encounter with Carina.

"It's very unprofessional what you saw in my office, Carina," Maya says, her voice firm but tinged with regret. "You shouldn't have seen that."

Carina arches an eyebrow, her gaze steady as she meets Maya's. "I understand why you only have women working at your company," she responds evenly. "Do you do that with everyone?"

Maya's jaw tightens at the implication in Carina's question. "I don't owe you an explanation, Carina," she replies, her tone clipped. "Other than what you saw was unprofessional."

Sensing the tension between them, Carina shifts slightly in her seat, her expression unreadable. "Why did you come to visit the office, Carina?" Maya asks, her voice softer now, tinged with curiosity.

Carina sighs, her gaze momentarily flickering away before returning to meet Maya's. "I wanted to talk about the project," she admits, her voice tinged with sincerity. "But I can see now that this isn't the right time. I'll come back another time. You should go back to your office and finish what you started."

Maya nods, accepting Carina's suggestion. "Let's arrange an appointment then," she says, her tone firm. "Come back tomorrow at 3."

Carina acknowledges Maya's request with a simple "Okay."

Before Carina gets into her car, she turns to Maya with a pointed look. "Make sure your assistant is sitting at her desk before I walk in on you with another employee," she says, her voice tinged with a hint of warning.

Maya raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Are you jealous?" she teases, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes.

Carina's expression remains unreadable as she slides into the driver's seat, the engine purring to life. Without another word, she drives away, leaving Maya standing by her car.

As Maya watches Carina disappear into the distance, a whirlwind of emotions swirls within her. With a sigh, she turns and heads back to her office, her mind already occupied with thoughts of the meeting to come and the unfinished business that awaits her.

Consumed by the encounter with Carina. As she enters the office suite, she notices Rose sitting at her desk, diligently attending to her tasks. Maya walks past her without a word, her expression unreadable as she closes the door of her office behind her, shutting out the world outside.

After a few minutes, there's a soft knock on the door, and before Maya can respond, Rose enters the room, her demeanor composed yet cautious.
"I've told you to knock, didn't I?" Maya's voice is firm, her eyes narrowing slightly as she addresses Rose.

Rose hesitates for a moment, her gaze flickering with uncertainty before she responds, "Yes, Ms. Bishop, you did. I apologize for the intrusion."

Shall we finish what we started?" says Rose.

Maya says, "Next time, I expect you to lock my door. I never want a client to find me in my office like this again."

Rose nods, "Sorry, I was so focused on you that I didn't think about it."

"I'm sorry for putting you in this position regarding a new client," Maya says.

"I have no regrets," says Rose, "Sorry, Mrs. DeLuca seems to be a familiar client."

"She is indeed familiar, Rose, but that is private," says Maya.

"I guess I've already slipped into your private zone," says Rose as she puts her hand on Maya's crotch and feels that she's still hard.

"The door isn't locked," says Maya. At that moment, Rose walks to the door and locks it.
As she walks back, Rose lets her dress fall down and kneels in front of Maya. Maya spreads her legs and leans her arms on the armrest of her desk chair.

"Are you going to finish what you started or not, Mrs. Bishop?" Asks Rose.

"It depends," says Maya, "what do you have to offer?"

At that moment, Rose ties up her hair again and undoes Maya's pants. Maya's cock pops out, making Rose even hornier.
"It's not normal how big you are," says Rose. She then takes Maya's cock in her hand and starts to jerk Maya off. She alternates between this and sometimes putting Maya's cock back in her mouth and giving her a blowjob.
Maya fully surrenders and enjoys Rose's blowjob.
"Take me," says Rose.

Maya immediately starts looking for a condom in her desk drawer, but she can't find one.
"I'm completely empty," says Maya.

"I'm on birth control," says Rose.

Maya doesn't hesitate and lifts Rose onto her desk. "Show me what you're capable of," says Maya.

At that moment, Rose turns around and lets Maya take her from behind.

Maya grabs her cock and slides it into Rose.

Rose moans, and Maya tells her to be quiet.

Maya thrusts into Rose and holds her hand over Rose's mouth from behind. At this moment, Maya is filled with anger. She only thinks about Carina. Why is she back? Why did she have to walk in precisely when I'm fucking Rose? "Fuck," Maya says out loud.

"Your stamina is not normal," says Rose. "I don't know any man who can last this long."

"I'm not a man," says Maya.

"You're much more than men will ever be," says Rose.

"I didn't know I could be so addicted just to someone's cock," says Rose.
"Fuck me harder," says Rose, "but not deeper, I can't take you anymore deeper."

Maya grins. Of course, she can't take it anymore, she's not Carina.

"Come inside me," says Rose.

"I'm not cumming yet," says Maya.
This turns Rose on even more, and she says, "I'm almost there." After one last thrust, Rose cums and collapses onto Maya's desk.

Maya slips her cock out of Rose and puts on her boxer and pants again.

"You haven't cum yet," says Rose.

"I have to get back to work," says Maya.

"Let me pamper you tonight," says Rose.

"I already have plans tonight, Rose.
Please, get back to work," says Maya.

Maya didn't want to cum; all she could think about was Carina.

Disappointed, Rose leaves Maya's office.

Maya scrolls through her phone, searching for one name.

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