Chapter 7

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As the evening progressed and the wine flowed freely, Andrea and Gabriella's curiosity about Maya's unexpected encounter with Carina grew. They leaned in, eager to hear every detail, their eyes shining with anticipation.

"So, Carina, spill the beans," Andrea prompted, his tone laced with excitement. "What was it like seeing Maya after all these years?"

"Yeah, did she recognize you right away?" Gabriella chimed in, her interest piqued.

Carina took a sip of her wine, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "It was... surreal, to say the least," she began, choosing her words carefully. "I wasn't sure if she would even remember me, but the moment our eyes met, it was like no time had passed at all."

"And what did she say?" Andrea pressed, leaning forward in his chair.

Carina hesitated, recalling the mix of emotions that had flooded her when she saw Maya standing in her office. "She seemed surprised, to say the least," she admitted. "But she also seemed... interested, in a way."

"In what way?" Gabriella asked, her curiosity growing.

Carina shrugged, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Hard to say, really," she replied cryptically. "But let's just say, it was definitely an unexpected turn of events."

"Complicated seems to be the theme of the night," Andrea remarked, his tone slightly teasing.

"Just drink your wine and enjoy the food, Andrea," Carina said, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Fine, fine. But seriously, Carina, are you sure about this? Working with Maya after all these years?" Gabriella asked, a note of concern in her voice.

Carina sighed, setting her glass down. "Honestly, I don't know. But I have to try. This project means everything to me."

Andrea and Gabriella exchanged knowing glances, sensing that there was more to Carina's encounter with Maya than she was letting on. But they respected her privacy, choosing not to press her for more details.

"Well, whatever will happen, it was quite the reunion," Andrea remarked, raising his glass in a toast.

"Here's to unexpected encounters," Gabriella added, clinking her glass against Andrea's.

Carina smiled, touched by their support. In that moment, surrounded by laughter and warmth, she felt grateful for their friendship and the comfort it brought her in times of uncertainty.

As the evening wore on and the wine continued to flow, Andrea and Gabriella's questions became more probing, fueled by the warmth of the alcohol and their growing curiosity about Maya and Carina's past.

"So, Carina," Andrea began, his words slightly slurred as he refilled his glass, "what was Maya like back then? You know, when you two were a couple?"

Gabriella nodded eagerly, her eyes bright with anticipation. "Yeah, spill the tea, Carina. We want all the juicy details!"

Carina chuckled, feeling the effects of the wine herself as she leaned back in her chair. "Well, let's just say Maya was... unforgettable," she replied, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Andrea and Gabriella leaned in closer, hanging on Carina's every word as she recounted stories of their time together, painting a vivid picture of Maya's charm, wit, and undeniable magnetism.
"And what about now?" Gabriella interjected, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Do you still have feelings for her, Carina?"

Carina took a deep breath, her gaze distant as she spoke. "Maya... she's always been the love of my life," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I have so much regret for what happened six years ago. It feels like a lifetime ago, and yet, at the same time, it's as if it were just yesterday."

The Architect, A Marina love storyWhere stories live. Discover now