Chapter 10

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Carina, fueled by alcohol, leans in towards Maya, her words slightly slurred. "Hey, Maya, wanna dance?" she asks with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Maya chuckles softly, shaking her head. "You know I don't dance, Carina," she replies, amusement evident in her voice.

Carina, in her drunken state, responds eagerly, "But come on, Maya, you can make an exception for me, right, Bishop?" her words slurring slightly.

Carina, fueled by her intoxicated boldness, leans in close to Maya, her voice slightly pleading as she sits on Maya's lap, "Please, Maya, just one dance," she implores, her eyes wide with excitement.

Maya sighs, torn between the past and the present, her gaze fixed on Carina's pleading eyes. "Carina, you're too drunk to know what you're saying. Remember what happened this afternoon? You hated me then, and now you want to dance?" Maya's voice is tinged with both longing and pain as she recalls the hurt Carina caused six years ago.

Maya's internal struggle intensifies as she gazes at Carina. Despite the pain of the past, she can't deny Carina's beauty. "She's so beautiful," Maya thinks to herself, feeling a mix of attraction and resentment. The memories flood back, but so does the undeniable allure of Carina's presence.

Carina, fueled by the champagne and craving attention, decides to dance on her own in front of Maya. With sultry moves, she teases Maya, knowing she has her captivated. As she sways to the music, Carina catches the eye of a man in a sharp suit also in the VIP section. His gaze lingers on her, feeding her desire for admiration and sparking a playful energy in the air. Maya watches, unable to tear her eyes away, caught between longing and the sting of old wounds.

The man, drawn in by Carina's allure, leans closer and invites her to join him at his VIP table. Carina, lost in the moment and intoxicated by the attention, is too drunk to think clearly. She nods eagerly, her inhibitions swept away by the allure of the night.

"I don't think so, man," says Maya to the man as he tries to put his hand on Carina's back.

Five seconds ago, Maya saw the man making a lewd gesture to his friends, and she couldn't allow that given Carina's state.

"She's old enough to make her own choices," says the man.

"Find another victim," Maya retorts, and at that moment, she puts her arm around Carina's waist, turns her around, and stands between Carina and the man.

"Possessive," the man replies.

"Maya, you're my ex, and you have no say in this," Carina drunkenly retorts.

"You heard her," says the man.

Maya sees Carina's eyes rolling and manages to catch her just in time.

"That's enough for tonight," Maya says aloud, and at that moment, she lifts Carina in both arms and sets her on the bench at her VIP table.

Maya messages Carlos, her driver, asking him to come to Paradiso to pick her up.
Carina is half awake, half out of it.

"She's had way too much to drink," Maya thinks to herself, feeling helpless about being so possessive over her ex.

When Carlos lets Maya know he's there, she lifts the half-asleep Carina again and carries her out of the club toward her car, where Carlos is already waiting.

"Do you need help, Ms. Bishop?" Carlos asks.

At that moment, he steps out to open the car.

"Thank you, Carlos," Maya says.

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