Chapter 12

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"Welcome," says Ella as she opens the door for Rose.

"Thank you, I'm Rose," she replies. "I'm here for Maya."

"I figured as much when you're standing at the door," Ella says, laughing.

"Ms. Bishop is working, follow me," Ella says, leading Rose to the living room.

As she guides Rose into the living room, she informs her that she'll let Ms. Bishop know that she's here. "Please, take a seat," Ella says.

Rose looks around in amazement and thinks, "I could get used to this."

Ella knocks on Maya's door. "Ms. Bishop?" she calls out.

"Come in," Maya says. "I'm just stopping by to let you know that Rose is here."

"Thank you, Ella, I'll be right out. You know you don't have to call me 'Ms.' though," Maya says, laughing.

Ella leaves Maya's office with a smile. "I'll let her know you're on your way," Ella says.

Maya quickly dialed Andy's number, knowing that despite their close friendship, their professional relationship was equally important. Andy answered promptly, her tone professional.
"Hey, Boss, what's up?" Andy greeted.

"Hey, Andy, I need you to take over the meeting I had scheduled with 'The Baker' firm. I won't be able to make it," Maya explained.

"Got it. Do you want me to handle it the same way you would?" Andy asked.

"Yes, please. Make sure to emphasize our commitment to quality and innovation. 'The Baker' firm is a significant client, and I want to ensure they feel valued," Maya instructed.

"Understood. I'll make sure everything runs smoothly. Anything else I should know?" Andy inquired.

"Just be confident and assertive. They respect strength and decisiveness. Oh, and remind them of our recent successful projects to reinforce our capabilities," Maya added.

"Will do. I've got this, Maya. You can count on me," Andy assured her.

"Thanks, Andy. I appreciate it. Let me know how it goes," Maya said

"Before we wrap up, Andy, how was he?" Maya asked, a teasing lilt in her voice.

Andy laughed softly. "He was amazing, Maya. He's gotten so mature, despite our age gap."

Maya chuckled. "I'm glad you had a good time."

"Oh, and Maya, I saw Carina when I woke up this morning," Andy added. "You made a good impression, but you still managed to make her feel jealous. She thought Ella was your wife."

"I thought she did. I feel like she wants me, but I also feel like she doesn't. You know what I mean, Andy?" Maya responded smoothly.

"Not strange with your history together. Just take your time together and please don't rush things between the two of you," Andy advised.

Maya nodded, even though Andy couldn't see her. "She's staying for dinner after our meeting at 3 at my place," Maya informed.

"Classy, Bishop," Andy remarked approvingly.

"You know how I talk about sex, right?" Maya asked.

"I know you, boss," Andy replied.

"I feel so attracted to her," Maya said, "but I also feel like I need to keep my distance. Do you know what I mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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