Chapter 5

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Bella, how was your day?" asks Gabriella as Carina enters the apartment.

"Please don't talk about it," says Carina.

"Why not, Bella?" asks Gabriella. "How was she? Is she still as beautiful as before? Still as athletic and toned?"

"Not now, please," says Carina.

Gabriella moved back to LA with Carina after living together in Milan for 5 years. Both are models and best friends since childhood.

"I thought you were happy to see her again after all these years?" says Gabriella. "You've been thinking about seeing her again for years, and now that you have, I can't ask about it?"

"Do you want to know why?" says Carina angrily. "I saw her at the place where I want to build my dream house, the house where I want to spend my entire life with her. The house we were supposed to discuss building it together, and where she would design it with her company."

"But?" asks Gabriella. "Was she rude, unwilling to cooperate?"

"She was cold, but said she would think about it. Then I thought, let me surprise her at her office."

"But she didn't appreciate that?" asks Gabriella. "You know how things ended between you two, right, Bella? Maybe you should give her some time after all these years you've been away?"

"Then I arrive at a beautiful building, nothing to complain about, full of beautiful women and security in tight suits. I reach the right floor and find her in her office with her assistant, where she's having sex with her assistant on her desk.

"Maya Bishop... That woman hasn't changed either," says Gabriella, laughing.

"There's nothing to laugh about," says Carina.

"Bella, you've been apart for 6 years, do you really expect Maya hasn't had a partner in the meantime? Or a desk partner in this case," says Gabriella, laughing.

"Not me," says Carina softly and sadly, "not after what happened."

Gabriella goes to Carina to comfort her. "Sorry for my reaction. I didn't mean to hurt you. You know I'll always support you in any choice you make."
"You broke her heart 6 years ago, Carina, you'll have to do everything to win her back, we didn't move back for nothing."

"I know, Gabri, you're right. It just hurt so much when I saw her there. My Maya, having sex with some assistant."

"Was she attractive?" asks Gabriella.

"Seriously, Gabri, really? I just saw the love of my life having sex in her office, and you're asking if she was attractive?"

"Yeah, just curious, maybe she's my type? You know how I am, Bella, I'm always looking for a woman."

"You're unbelievable," says Carina, laughing.

"Ah, you can laugh again," says Gabriella.

"She was very attractive, in case you're wondering, but not as attractive as my Maya."

Carina sighs deeply, trying to shake off the tension of the day. "You know what, Gabri? Let's forget about Maya and her office antics tonight. How about we go out for a nice Italian dinner and then hit some bars for drinks later?"

Gabriella nods eagerly. "That sounds like a plan, Bella. We deserve a night out to unwind and enjoy ourselves. Plus, Italian food always puts me in a better mood."

Carina manages a small smile. "Yeah, pasta and wine sound like the perfect remedy for today's drama."

They quickly get ready, changing into more relaxed outfits suitable for a night out on the town. As they head out the door, Carina grabs her purse and keys, feeling a sense of relief knowing that she'll have Gabriella by her side tonight.

As they walk toward the restaurant, Gabriella suggests, "Hey, should we invite Andrea to join us? It might be nice to have him along."

Carina considers for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let me give him a call."

She dials her brother's number, and after a brief conversation, she hangs up with a smile. "He's in! He said he'll meet us at the restaurant."

Gabriella grins. "Great! It'll be good to catch up with him too."

With Andrea joining them, Carina feels a bit more at ease, knowing that she'll have the support of both her best friend and her brother during their night out. They continue their walk to the restaurant, looking forward to a relaxing evening ahead.

Aaah frattelino, there you are," says Carina. "How nice of you to join us for a night out,"

"Who got dumped again?" asks Andrea, laughing, "knowing he always has to show up when Gabriella's heart is broken."

"Well, technically it's not me this time," says Gabriella, taking a sip of her wine.

"I hate you, you know that," says Carina, looking at her angrily.

"Carina? Seriously? Why? You are living like a nun in a monastery?" says Andrea.

Gabriella almost spits out her drink. Carina looks at her, and Gabriella says, "Technically he's right."

"Technically you should stop talking now," says Carina.

"I saw Maya today," says Carina to Andrea as she takes a sip.

"Maya as in 'the Maya' as in your ex Maya? Maya the biggest architect Maya?" asks Andrea.

"Yes, my Maya indeed," says Carina.

"She's not your Maya anymore, Carina, come on," says Andrea, "and that's your own fault by the way."

"Are you both against me tonight or?" asks Carina.

"No Bella, we never are," says Gabriella.

"What happened?" says Andrea.

"Maya screwed her assistant and Carina caught them," says Gabriella laughing.

"You really need to stop talking," says Carina.

"Why, it's true, isn't it?" says Gabriella.

Andrea laughs, "Why did I say yes tonight of all nights?"

"Well, you know I've been planning to build my dream home for a while now," says Carina, leaning in. "And guess where I want it?"
Andrea raises an eyebrow. "Let me guess, right on that hill where you can see the beach?"

"Exactly," Carina nods. "And today, after I met her, I saw her there, in her office, with her assistant, on her desk."

Andrea whistles. "Well, that's a sight to walk into."

"I just want my dream home, Andrea," Carina says earnestly. "The home where I want to spend my life, the home I want to grow old in."

"But?" Andrea prompts.

"She was cool about it, said she'd think about it," Carina continues. "So then I thought, let me surprise her at her office."

"And she didn't appreciate that?" Andrea asks.
Carina shakes her head. "Well she was surprised I think, but I'm not giving up. I want her to take on my project."

"Was the assistant at least attractive?" Andrea teases.

Carina rolls her eyes. "Seriously, Andrea? I just witnessed the love of my life having sex in her office, and you're asking if her assistant was attractive?"

"Just curious, maybe she's my type?" Andrea chuckles.

Carina sighs, shaking her head. "Ugh why are the both of you the exact same? You should end up together" Carina says while sipping her wine.

"Never", they both say at the same time.

" She was very attractive, but not as beautiful as my Maya." Says carina

The Architect, A Marina love storyWhere stories live. Discover now