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“Twenty bucks he takes you down in five minutes,” Rev shouts over the hip hop music pulsing from the sound system in the gym.

I crack my neck and toss my Chief Operating Officer a glare. Rev’s gone so far as to hang banners and streamers for the 2nd annual company team building event he started up. Ever since I gave him a new title and a corner office, he decided he had all the power at Sinro Enterprises.

I was fine to let him believe it—I’ve had my hands full with Ezra in the best way possible—until Rev pitched the idea of letting the staff beat the shit out of each other.

Took weeks for both him and Ezra to convince me that it would be a good idea, and honestly, it’s done wonders to bring everyone together. Nothing like a little pain to bond one another.

One hundred and fifty employees are crammed in the gym this afternoon, fists pumping and spirits high. Some watch through the windows from the patio. And those uninterested in the boxing matches lurk around the pool or the community living room, drinks and appetizers in hand.

“Five minutes?” I raise my brows, letting my gaze stray over to the fiery, blonde-haired beauty in the other corner of the ring.

Ezra doesn’t look so confident this year. Might be the plug I sank into his ass this morning. But there will be no repeat of him making a fool out of me. My little thief has mastered takedowns. He’s become a better marksman than me, too.

Regardless of the outcome today, I still win out because I get to take him back to our bed and ravish him.

My heart thuds chaotically fast as I look him over. Yeah, anyone could see that he’s my fucking weakness, but I don’t care.

Ezra clasps hands with Forest and Rorik in the crowd, then he turns his head my way.

I smirk back at him, loving the rosy flush of his cheeks. Bet that plug feels real nice.

Sliding fingers under the hem of my shirt, I peel it off. Rev whistles, and employees break out into excited hollers. It has the intended effect, locking Ezra up with wide eyes.

Only, Ezra strips off his shirt, too. I’m in awe of the defined strength he’s gained over the last two years under his perfect, golden skin. He’s put in so much work—in the gym, in the gun range, and with Isaac.

I can’t say he’s a completely changed person. I think he’ll always be a bit quirky and hyperactive. A bit broken, too, but I absolutely adore every piece of him. Even his horrendous cooking failures. His ability to destroy appliances is astounding. His lack of memory when it comes to finding his car keys and wallet frustrates me, but he makes up for it in sexual prowess.

Christ, don’t get me started on his skill at coaxing me to visit my parents for every holiday. I’m fucking whipped for this man.

Ezra gives me a tight-lipped smile, and I know he’s doing his best to keep from jumping my bones. Our match has gained too much attention among the employees to call it quits. Bets have been placed. I can’t lose again.

I stride into the middle of the ring, adding a bit more swagger to my movements.

“Trying to intimidate me?” Ezra cocks a brow as he squares up with me. He bats those dark lashes, and I fight the urge to take him right here. His sexy whimpers from this morning as I spread him out on my desk and sucked his cock while stretching him for his gift still play in my ears.

This tangle won’t end in the ring. I look forward to spending time in bed with him. Only Rev knows that I took a week off work to dedicate to Ezra.

Gazing down at his beautiful face, I can’t help but stroke my fingers along his jaw. I give his chin a little pinch. “Baby, we both know you’re not scared of me. I’m just trying to put on a good show for our fans.”

“Alright. Alright. Enough of that shit. We’re here to see some blood,” Rev shouts out.

Smirking, I raise my fists. Ezra mimics my moves, beginning his quick, predatory circle around me.

It must come as a shock to our enemies how fucking deadly he is. He’s so stunning, I know I’d end up with a bullet in my chest in seconds if I were up against him.

Ezra strikes first. His knuckles graze the sweet spot on my jaw, and my heart stutters in my chest. Fuck. How embarrassing would that be to get dropped so soon?

I slam a fist into his stomach, hissing at the contact against his solid abs. He barely slides backward, already hooking a right fist up to my jaw.

Dodging his punch, I pull him into my arms and lower my mouth to his ear. “No holding back this year, huh? My slutty little thief in a hurry to get fucked?”

Ezra hooks an arm around the back of my neck. Planting his foot on my thigh, he swings his body around me to strike at the back of my knees with both of his feet. I drop to the mat.

He kisses my cheek. “You play dirty, baby. I’ve been fighting a boner from hell all day.”

Reaching back, I lock an arm around his waist and flip him over my shoulder. His back hits the mat hard enough to draw gasps from the crowd.

Ezra rolls back before I can get him in a hold. Still on my knees, I let out a delighted laugh.

As I’m rising to my feet, he charges me and kicks out a leg to sweep my feet, but I jump back in time. I don’t miss the little shift in his features as the plug hits him just right. He’s slow to get up, and I leap at my opportunity, knocking him onto his back once more. This time I get his arms pinned above his head, my hips pressing him down hard.

Rev starts his countdown. Ezra squirms beneath me until I drop my mouth to his ear and whisper, “Marry me.”

His body goes slack, and his eyelids flutter. “What?”

I grin down at him. “You heard me.”

Rev continues his countdown in the background, but the cheering from my employees fades away as I stare down at the man I want more than anything else in this world. The little thief that broke into my building and stole my heart.

Tears glisten in Ezra’s eyes. “You’re such a fucking cheater.”

“I am,” I agree. “Can you blame me? I sit behind a desk all day while you train.”

Rev shouts out my name as the winner, and there’s mixed reactions among the employees. I know most of them bet on Ezra as the champion, which is why I planned out this strategy to assure my victory.

“Are you serious? You want me?”

“Forever, Ezra.”

He breaks my hold without effort, surging up to wrap his arms around me and plant a kiss on my mouth. “Then I’m yours. Forever.”

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