Chapter 19

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The next day, at our rehearsal, I shared the news with Zavier and the rest of the band. They were thrilled for me but also surprised by the gravity of Zhyron's departure.

"Zhyron's going abroad?" Zavier asked, his brow furrowing.

"Yeah," I replied. "He's going to continue his studies. It’s a big step for him."

"Well, goodluck to him," Zavier said thoughtfully. "But I'm glad you're here with us, Maggie."

"Yeah," I said, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Let's make the most of this, guys. Let's create something amazing."

As we began to play, the music enveloped us, each note resonating with the promise of what lay ahead. The band had become more than just a group of musicians; we were a family, bound by our shared passion and dreams.

Days turned into weeks, and the void left by Zhyron's absence gradually became less painful. I kept in touch with him through messages and calls, sharing our progress and hearing about his new experiences abroad. His encouragement never waned, even from a distance.

One evening, after a particularly intense rehearsal, I found myself alone in the practice room, reflecting on the journey so far. The band was flourishing, our music evolving with each session.

I picked up my guitar and began to play, the melody soft and reflective. It was a song we've been working on, inspired by the changes in my life and the friendships that had shaped me. The notes flowed effortlessly, each one a tribute to the people who believed in me.

The music swelled around me, filling the room with its vibrant energy. It was a testament to the journey I had undertaken, a journey that was only just beginning. And as I strummed the final chord, I knew that this was where I belonged, right here, in this moment, making music with the people who mattered most.

A few months had passed since Zhy's left, and our band had been working tirelessly, rehearsing and perfecting our sound. We had played at several local gigs, slowly building a name for ourselves. The support from my parents and the efforts within the band made every challenge worthwhile.

One afternoon, as we were wrapping up a particularly intense rehearsal, Zavier's phone buzzed with an incoming email notification. He glanced at the screen, and his eyes widened in surprise. "Guys, you need to see this," he said, his voice trembling with excitement.

We all gathered around, curious. Zavier read aloud, "Dear Zavier and Band, we have been following your performances and are impressed with your talent and potential. We would like to invite you for a meeting at our recording studio to discuss a possible collaboration and recording contract. Regards, 618 records."

For a moment, there was stunned silence. 618 Records was one of the most renowned recording companies in the industry, known for discovering and nurturing new talent.

"Are you serious?" Simon exclaimed, grabbing the phone to see for himself. "This is incredible!"

I felt a rush of excitement and disbelief. "618 Records wants to meet with us?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "This is a dream come true!"

Zavier nodded, grinning from ear to ear. "Yes, Maggie, it is. All our hard work is finally paying off."

Casper, looked equally astonished. "I can’t believe it. This could be our big break."

We spent the next few minutes in a whirlwind of excitement, talking about what this opportunity could mean for us. The reality of the invitation slowly began to sink in, and we realized that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in our journey.

The meeting was scheduled for the following week. In the days leading up to it, we practiced even harder, determined to make a great impression. Our excitement was mixed with a healthy dose of nerves, but we knew we were ready.

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