Singular Requirement

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Traveling through the empty expanse of interstellar space, a considerable warship burned its bank of engines at full power, moving fast away from the sector where the Reptilian Conquest had defeated the destroyers.

Born of the same hideous imagination, this ship was more brutal and brutishly larger. It was a capital dreadnought, the fleet's controller platform, and the warship bearing the flag of the Humanoid Space Navy's sixth fleet.

About one-third size compared to the Reptilian's megastructure, the warship revealed a striking difference in design philosophy, with a much greater reliance on hard, linear angles. It was a terrifying assemblage, monstrous and sleek, resplendent in lethal, militaristic beauty.

The forward section of the capital dreadnought was long and somewhat narrowed, like the tip of a bladed spear. The dorsal aspect stretched a wicked distance, bow to amidships, until merging with the extensive base of an arrogant, tall conning tower.

The dorsal beam flared out over the lower hull, tapering sharply in descent to the keel, and two massive nacelle-wings jutted out from both the port and starboard sides, reverting aft to bulging ion engines. A skin of armor plating covered the ship, hundreds of weapons ports fixed into the hull notwithstanding.

A much smaller vessel closed on an intercept course. It was also of Humanoid design, smaller than a destroyer — darker, specially marked, and heavily armed. It was designated as a corvette, and this one specially outfitted for an escort function, and assigned to the Humanoid Vice Admiral called Talaxidar-Zah.

The warship slowed and drifted, thrusters firing to orient with the transport now within docking range. Slipping underneath the hull of the warship and easing to the starboard wing-nacelle, the transport vessel locked into docking position.

A personnel lift from the transport moved into the warship, a protection force detachment of fifty Humanoid soldiers accompanying the Vice Admiral, along with two other officials. When the lift locked into place, blast doors opening into the receiving bay, several protection force soldiers moved to place themselves in front of the Vice Admiral, but he waved them back.

In the receiving bay, waiting anxiously with restrained vehemence, the commander of the warship — and by default the commander of the Humanoid sixth fleet, Commodore Narmok-Baz, met the transport detachment. Scanning the collection of Humanoids entering his ship, the Commodore's head fell just before he presented the proper salute.

The Commodore was alone — odd that not even a small security force was with him. This was a source of amusement for Talaxidar, and as his protection force moved out into the bay, spanning out along the perimeter, a smile formed on the Vice Admiral's face. Stepping forward, he menaced the Commodore with an intense look, and the two other Humanoids in his accompaniment, both wearing cloaks, one Humanoid smaller than the others, came to his side.

The Humanoids were hairless with rough gray skin stretched tight over thick bones and massive muscle. Triangular ridges bulged along their skulls, starting at the root of the nose and running vertically to the spine. Sharp protrusions of bone extended from the outer eye sockets, bringing a kind of symmetrical balance to their faces, as the Humanoid chin tapered into a point. They were fearsome warriors, hardened from battle, wearing black and gold armor, and well-armed.

Talaxidar-Zah raised his hand, guiding attention to his accompaniment. "This is my Tactical Research Advisor, Pawtaw-Modt. This is my female, Sarixses. And now, Commodore Narmok-Baz, I have new priority orders for you to disseminate to the sixth fleet."

The Commodore stared at the female Humanoid, discomfort at her presence obvious. Then, as he returned his look to the Vice Admiral, Narmok-Baz said, "With respect, I do not understand. I assumed you had come to arrest me."

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