A Rush of Cold Air

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Thrust out of the black, panicked and confused, Alex bolted to his feet. At the doorway he waved claws at the sensor, and squeaked when it opened by dissolving into sand. He moved into the corridor and started to run.

Fog loitered just above the ground, blue lights running the entire length of the corridor where concave walls met the floor. Watching his taloned, tri-digit feet disappear into fog clouds while his eyes were drawn to thin, but vivid rows of ceiling lights made him dizzy. Alex crashed to the ground, the display system set in the wall activating, more rainbow colors flooding the corridor. A strobe effect made the disorientation worse, and Alex fled.

At the end of the corridor, Alex launched himself into a transport-groove. Fog propelled him through the tunnel, straight and then down, and then down more, smooth and fast. The fog coalesced around him, decreasing his speed before pushing him out. Now at some sort of transport hub chamber, there were several transport-groove apertures set together in pairs — one aperture marked with green illuminated markings and the other red.

Opposite the hub chamber, the corridor split in two directions. To his left the corridor curved away, the end unseen, and to the right, the corridor was a long straightaway. With trepidation, Alex moved to the left, down the corridor, and around the curve. Two Reptilians came from the opposite direction, colliding with Alex, knocking him down.

One of the Reptilians extended his hand. "Lead Commander, forgive me."

Alex screamed, pushing away along the floor, distancing himself from the confused Reptilians. Back to his feet, Alex turned and bolted down the corridor. When he was in a desolate section, he slowed, listening for pursuers. He heard nothing.

The chest indentation on his battle armor popped with a red hologram and an alert tone. "Lead Commander from Second Commander: Report to the Tactical Planning Theater. Consultation to begin in 15 minutes."

Swatting at his armored chest, Alex ran again. The long corridor swept into a curve, and he came upon a large door that sanded away. Alex was hesitant to enter the chamber, but a click echoed through his mind, and he was compelled to go inside.

The room was large and circular, stark and empty, metal-stone surrounding him. A series of circular lights were embedded in the ceiling, running the circumference of the room. At the center there was a solid, metal-stone circular structure that extended up from the floor, about a third of his height and his height across.

Alex walked to it and tapped the surface, activating the holographic display — like he'd done this a thousand times before. A map diagram of the Milky Way galaxy appeared in the air before him. A trajectory path-line populated through the map along with a larger image of a delta-shaped starship, complete with sensor and engine data.

Stunned, Alex became dizzy and nauseous to the point that he stumbled. Lurching forward, bracing his hands on the circular holo-table, lights pulsed as a command was acknowledged.

A rush of cold air combined with a droning sound, just before the floor started to move downward. When the walls rotated, the circular holo-table deactivated, and the room sank into a bowl. Wide vertical sections of the floor and wall dissolved, sand flowing upward, revealing invisible windows that looked out into space. Thin bands of muted red light activated in the junctions between windows.

Alex trembled from staring out into the heart of the universe. Two Reptilian security officers peered down from the top of the bowl, one contacting the bridge to advise they had located the lead commander. Both Reptilians jumped down into the bowl, floating on top of space, sliding down to where he was.

One of the security officers took hold of Alex's arm,snapping him free from his trance, but into shock. His head filled with manyrapid-fire clicks, all of which were translated in the rebound: ridicule andlaughter, The Echo mocking him with threats and enjoying the torment of him.The onslaught of stimulus canceled further motor control, and Alex fainted,collapsing again to the ground.

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