Along the Contour of Her Skull

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The bridge of the Humanoid flagship was a pristine environment of textured gray metal deck plates, chrome metal framework, patterned ceiling lights, and glass computer panels awash with various colors. It was an extensive compartment, set in the shape of a trapezium, broad at the compartment's rear and tapered at the front.

Flight and operation control stations were set at the foot of a large primary window, with a series of windows half that size ringing the perimeter. Long rows of stations were set at the foot of those windows, on each side of the bridge, and those stations controlled weapons, sensors, and communications.

The captain's command post was established at the center of the compartment. It was a raised station, mirroring the compartment's shape, and a pronounced chair was fixed within it, surrounded by overview status panels.

Behind the captain's post, set within the rear starboard bulkhead, was a doorway to the outside corridor, as well as a threshold for a ship-wide transport vehicle, which was like a high-speed elevator system. At the port bulkhead, a metal staircase ascended from the deck to an observation level that overlooked the bridge.

Commodore Narmok-Baz made the announcement that he was relinquishing command of the warship to Vice Admiral Talaxidar-Zah and would serve as First Officer. No Humanoid dared to question this change in command, nor did any question the fate of Commander Vonte-Dor.

Turning to the Vice Admiral, Commodore Narmok-Baz said, "What are your orders, sir?"

Talaxidar responded, "Hold position and stand-by for further instruction."

After another hour, Pawtaw-Modt signaled Talaxidar requesting he come to the weapons lab. Talaxidar acknowledged the message and came down from his station, directing Commodore Narmok-Baz to accompany him.

Upon entry into the weapons lab, Talaxidar stopped Narmok-Baz and asked, "Do you know why there are so few female Humanoids amongst us?"

"Female Humanoids are rare. Because they are fragile and do not tolerate battle well and must be protected," the Commodore responded.

Talaxidar said, "Yes, that is the propaganda perpetuated by the Council of Three."

Continuing into the lab, they came upon Sarixses who was sitting upon the floor, lost in meditation, and Pawtaw-Modt who was directing several of the protection force soldiers as they assembled a large and complex device.

"Humanoids have been lied to for centuries," Talaxidar said. "There are scores of females, enough for each soldier. The Council of Three criminalized possession of them for a singular reason: they were designed to have psychic abilities."

Talaxidar went to where Sarixses sat with her eyes closed. She sensed the approach of her master and rose, standing to Talaxidar's chest and taking ahold of his hand.

Talaxidar touched the ridges on Sarixses's head, continued along the contour of her skull. To Narmok-Baz he said, "The primary motivation of this law was based in fear, that female psychic influence would be used against the Council of Three. Just as I am about to do now."

Flinching toward Narmok-Baz with a sense of violence, Talaxidar beat his chest. "Know that my plans are foolproof! I am unstoppable, as is my will to rule over the Humanoid Nation. It is my destiny to dominate the entire galaxy!"

With a measure of chilling force, Talaxidar took Narmok-Baz by the arm and pulled him to where a neural processor device had been assembled. It was a devious, clever thing — a medical scanner array melded into a communication transmitter, with two recliner chairs at the end of it. Sensor pods were mounted to the back of each chair, along with an armature containing four solenoids on shorter metal arms.

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