Chapter One

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A/N- This was a one shot that got too long, so I'm breaking it up. I have ignored the Chamber of Secrets part of year two. I simply do not see this version of Lucius doing that, and so I have chosen not to put it in this story. It's very much intentional. 


It starts before they're even sorted.

Hadara Potter wanders into Madame Malkin's robe shop with her emerald green eyes, and russet brown skin. She's pretty, and Draco's never seen anyone that looks quite like her. She wears Muggle clothes that are far too large, and pulls the sleeves over her hands when the tailor speaks to her.

She's completely alone, which perplexes Draco.

Hadara eyes the boy next to her as stealthily as she can, which it turns out is not very stealthily at all. He catches her eye in the reflection of the mirror and smiles at her. Hadara thinks he might be the most handsome boy she's ever seen in real life, but the thought doesn't have time to linger. He's suddenly talking about the different Hogwarts houses. He's so confident.

" I'll be in Slytherin, of course, like the rest of my family."

That's when his mother wanders in. She's lovely, and classy, and Hadara can't think of a single clever thing to say.

"Draco, it's time to go," His mother calls after just a few moments.

Draco wants to protest, but he doesn't. Pureblood heirs simply do not argue with their parents in public. Most don't in private, but his parents teach him to raise his concerns in a respectful, private manner.

They're wary of blind obedience after the war.


"You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

Hadara stares at his hand. She's not entirely obtuse. She senses the tension in the air, but she doesn't understand what's happening.

All she knows is Draco's insulting the boy who's been nothing but nice to her. She doesn't think she likes it. Hadara denies his offer in front of their entire class, unaware of the ripple effect this moment will cause.

She isn't prepared for the depth of hurt that she sees in Draco's eyes when she says no. She's not prepared for the pain in her chest at the sight of his hurt. She almost goes after him, but Ron throws an arm around her shoulders, stopping her.

Draco glares at Weasey. Potter can't know that Weasley's trespassing about ten rules of Pureblood etiquette, but Draco knows, and he hates Weasley for it. He hates Weasley for sitting in her carriage, and somehow knowing the right things to say. He hates the Weasel even more when Potter is sorted into Gryffindor.

He met her first, after all. He feels like a child with a treasured possession. She was mine first. But no one seems to care.

Despite what Theo says, Draco staunchly upholds that he is not obsessed with Hadara Potter.

He's intrigued. No- that's not the right word. He's...annoyed. That's all.

He's annoyed that she rejected his offer, choosing to stand beside the Weasel instead. He's annoyed that she's in Gryffindor. He's annoyed that she never looks at him, unless he does something truly outrageous. It's all just so annoying.


His hatred for Weasley only grows.

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