Chapter Ten

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The snake stirs to life within the Mark, turning its inky black head towards Hadara. Hadara's eyes flicker up to Draco, a smug smile on her face.

"Speaker?" The snake asks.

Hadara runs her finger over the head of the snake, in a mimicry of a pet. It's pliant under her touch, receptive to her. Riddle must have sacrificed a snake to create the original Dark Mark. It's the only thing that makes sense. All the Death Eater's are connected by it's essence, by the one snake.

"Will you obey me, little one?" Hadara asks.

"Yes, Speaker."

"Can you bring me another with the Mark?"

"Of course, Speaker. What is your command?"

"Sleep now, little one. I'll let you know when I'm ready."

Hadara smiles up at Lucius, then stands back to her full height. "It works. It seems Voldemort didn't bother to make the snake loyal to him. It only requires the instruction of a Parseltongue. It was arrogant of him to think he'd ever be the only one."

"Did you ask for him to bring Crouch?" Tonks asks.

"No, not yet. I need to think. Once he's here, things will move quickly. We need to know exactly what we're doing."

Her mind is working quickly, thinking through things that she needs to overcome any potential problems. Fore-thinking is not her forte, and it takes every bit of her concentration.

"Tell us what you need, and we'll do it." Cissa tells her.

"I need an untraced wand, a vial of Veritaserum, an impenetrable jar, and time to change clothes."

"We'll take care of it," Sirius assures her. "Go change, and meet us back here."

Hadara turns to leave the room, pausing at the door. "Tonks, return to the Ministry. We're sure to make a fuss when we show up, and I'd like to have at least one friendly face there."

Draco catches up with her as she climbs the stairs. He puts a reassuring hand on the small of her back. He doesn't ask her if she's sure. He doesn't placate her with empty words about the meaning of taking a life. He just walks beside her, a silent support.

When she enters her room he lingers at the door, unsure whether or not he should stay. Hadara grabs a black dress from her wardrobe and goes behind the changing screen in the corner.

"How likely is it that someone could cross the Malfoy family wards?" Hadara asks as she pulls off her white dress.

Draco considers the question. "Nearly impossible."

"Even if they'd previously been added to the wards, and never officially removed, say because, everyone assumed they were dead?"

Draco nods, "Ah, you're trying to establish a plausible story for the Ministry. I suppose it's possible the Dark Lord could get through our wards. It's my understanding that he came and went as he wanted, especially during my grandfather's day. I don't see why anyone would have bothered to remove him from the wards, thinking he was dead."

"That's what I was hoping for."

"So what's the story? He attacked, you acted in self defense. Or shall we say my father did it? There's always the chance they'd punish you for underage magic."

"Don't worry. Dumbledore will swoop in and save his favorite little child soldier. For all he knows I'm still a soul piece. He'll want me alive and well, if only to die in the way he sees fit."

Draco rolls his eyes, "Of course, how could I forget."

Hadara steps out from behind the screen. She's beautiful, but-

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