Chapter Sixteen

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A/N- This chapter is the last chapter of the main story. I am just not in the same mental space as when I started writing this, and I need to wrap it up. I may revisit it at some point to write a sequel, but it is complete for now.

A/N #2- While writing this story I kept getting distracted by Barty and Hadara's chemistry. Let me know if anyone would be interested in a one shot or something with them in a different AU.


The transition back to the ball is seamless. Barty melts into the crowd, eager to learn if anyone had suspected anything in their absence. Hadara returns to Draco's side.

His arm circles possessively around her waist. "Ah, there you are, dearest."

Hadara smiles up at him. Her nails scrape gently across the back of his hand. "Here I am, as promised."

Draco raises one eyebrow in that smug way of his. His voice drops down to a husky whisper. "As promised?"

Hadara nods as she bites down on her bottom lip. He suddenly wishes there was no one in this ballroom. The thrill of being hers, of having the attention of such a powerful witch pulses through his veins. He wants to hear that sound she makes when he kisses her neck, but he can't. Not right now. As much as he'd like to push her against the wall, and feel the way she melts into his touch, he has to be on his best behavior. Nearly all of polite society is in this room. They must keep up their guard.

The orchestra starts up and Draco looks to Hadara. "A dance?"

Hadara simpers, "You haven't had enough?"

Draco takes her hand with a smirk. "Of you? Impossible."

Hadara lets him lead her onto the dance floor. He really is a good lead. His arms are strong, his steps are firm. All she has to do is follow him. It's such a departure from their day to day dynamic, but Hadara loves it. She trusts Draco implicitly. He's the only man she would ever allow to lead her.

"I told you it would be tolerable," Draco whispers as he turns her around the floor.

"It's only tolerable because it's you. Anyone else would make me run for the hills."

Draco's expression is smug and haughty, but Hadara doesn't mind. He has a right to be haughty. She is the Dark Lady, after all, and he is the only man she will ever love. He is undoubtedly in a position of privilege.

They grow close to the orchestra, and all Hadara can hear is the strings singing to her. Maybe this isn't so bad, she thinks. Draco leans down to whisper in her ear. The orchestra drowns out the sound of his words to all but her.

"I expect to see that memory later, love."

Hadara bats her eyes at him in a mimicry of innocence, "Of course, dearest."

The song ends, and Draco's patience wears thin. He leads her through the crowd, nodding politely as he does so to their guests, to a small passageway that leads to the library. Once they are hidden in the shadows, Draco pushes her against the wall and kisses her senseless. They're so lost in each other they don't hear Barty's approach.

"Diggory wants an audience with you."

"Tell him no," Draco whispers.

Barty ignores him, as well he should. Hadara smiles mischievously as she turns her face to Barty. "Tell him yes. In the library."

Barty nods. "Of course, My Lady."

Hadara turns to Draco as Barty leaves. His strong hands grasp her hips as he sighs. "You know I hate Diggory."

Hadara nods slowly, the smile never fading from her face. "I do." One of her petite hands comes up to cup his face. "And you know that your petty jealousy will not sway the opinion of the Dark Lady. You know I have to run this court as I see fit- only me. Not you. Don't you?"

Draco feels his eyes roll back in pleasure at the way she's flaunting her power. He takes a step forward, pushing Hadara back until her petite body gently hits the wall once again. He dwarfs her like this. He angles his body down so he can look in her eyes. He doesn't miss the look of excitement written all over her face.

"And as a woman- my golden girl- my future wife? How does my jealousy affect you then?"

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