Chapter Four

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Dearest Prongslet,

I'm happy to hear news of your courtship. As I told you, trying to fight your heart never goes well.

We're doing everything we can on our side to make you safe. I take what you told me this summer very seriously. We all do.

The Malfoys, Moony, Tonks, and me.

To that end, please make sure you don't wander around by yourself too much this year. Never meet with someone privately, unless you would trust them with your life. (i.e. Hermione, Neville, Draco, Ron, McGonagall)

It should be assumed that everyone is suspect until our work is done. Clearly someone cast the Dark Mark at the World Cup, and they're still out there somewhere. They're not going to give up so easily.

Please don't wander the castle alone. I know you are a very powerful witch, but all it takes is one well aimed hex to knock you unconscious. If you are with friends, they can at least get you to safety, or raise the alarm. If you must explore the castle out of hours, take your friends with you.

I don't write this to alarm you, but to remind you how very precious you are to us all. I wouldn't know what to do without you. Moony and I would be inconsolable if anything happened to you.

Please have mercy on our old nerves and follow my advice.

All my love,



Hadara sighs as she sets down the letter.

"What is it?" Hermione asks. "Is everything okay?"

Hadara passes the letter over. "Yeah, everything's okay."

Hermione reads quickly, and finishes the letter in record time. "It seems a very reasonable request."

"I know," Hadara sighs. "But I don't like the idea of being babysat."

"It's not babysitting," Hermione emphasizes. "It's just being cautious. He has very good points."

"And we'll be following all of them," Draco adds as he drops into the seat next to Hadara. "I've just received my own letter, and I intend to listen to it. There were some very creative threats made to my person if you should get hurt."

"Oh Draco. I'm sorry. He does get carried away."

"Don't apologize. He's well within his rights. Besides, only half the threats came from him. There were at least three from my father, reminding me of the duty of a Malfoy man to his beloved. Honestly, I think I prefer Snuffles threats."

"Beloved?" Hadara asks.


Hermione shoves her books in her bag. "That's my cue to go! Draco, I trust you can escort Hadara back to the common room?"


Hermione flees the library, for the first time in Hadara's memory. Hadara giggles and rests her head against Draco's shoulder. "I wish the first Hogsmeade weekend was sooner, so we could go on a courtship date."

Draco pulls parchment and books out of his bag. "Me too. Perhaps we can have a coursthip date right here at the castle."

"What did you have in mind?" Hadara asks.

"Leave everything to me. I want it to be a surprise."


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