Chapter Fifteen

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A/N- Hadara makes a couple of biblical references in this chapter. I imagine the Dursley's are kind of religious and she's heard these phrases, internalized them, and twisted them to her use without really noticing. I'm interested to see if anyone catches them. Please comment and tell me if you do!

A/N #2- I realized while editing this that I typed "Pandora" instead of "Luna" in a lot of places. I think I have fixed them all, but if you see any please let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I am able.


Hadara tilts her head as a snitch flies back and forth down the Malfoy quidditch pitch. Hermione sits next to her, in beach chairs they forced Barty into the Muggle world to purchase for them. It annoyed him to no end, but it was worth it.

"I've been thinking," Hadara drawls, twirling her wand, "about Miss Weasley's clock."

"Have you?" Hermione asks. "Why?!"

Hadara slips out of her chair and sits herself on the grass, turning to face Hermione. "She's got some kind of locator charm on everyone on that clock. She knows where they are at all times. Don't you think that would be handy for our enemies?"

Hermione's eyes go unfocused as she thinks about it. "It would."

Hadara arranges her face into her most innocent expression. "Do you think you could replicate it?"

Hermione looks affronted. Hadara has to bite back a laugh. It's almost too easy to get Hermione to cooperate.

"Can I do it? Can I do it?! Of course I can do it, you prat! I'll show you what I can do!"

Hermione gathers the books beside her chair and storms back inside, her hair bristling with rage all the while. Hadara follows, as she shoots a sly smile at Barty. As they take their last steps into the manor, rain begins to fall.


Rain pelts down hard on the back of Draco's cloak, but he pushes on. Theo and Blaise follow behind him, their heads bent to keep out the rain. Draco's search for Hadara's birthday present has brought them to Knockturn Alley.

"Did we have to do this today ?" Theo whines.

"Yes," Draco tells him as they duck around a witch selling wares from a cart. "It will take time to fix, and there's only a couple of weeks before her birthday. Now suck it up."

"I'm gonna tell Mom you dragged me out in the rain," Theo threatens. "If I get a cold, she's going to hex you."

Draco grabs his collar and spins to slam Theo against the brick wall of a shop. "You spoil Hadara's present, and I will personally beat you to a pulp."

Theo slips out from under Draco's grip, using his wet cloak to his advantage. He sprints the last few steps to their destination with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Just kidding! I'd never ruin Hadara's present!"

Blaise rolls his eyes as he pushes the door open to Borgin & Burkes. Draco siphons water off their cloaks with a lazy flick of his wrist, and leads them to the large piece of furniture in the middle of the cramped store.

"You're getting her a cupboard? I think that's a bad idea."

Draco elbows Theo hard in the ribs.

"It's not a cupboard, you dolt. It's a vanishing cabinet. The match is inside of Hogwarts. We're going to fix it so Hadara can come and go as she pleases."

Theo ducks behind Blaise, and rubs his side. "You're so testy today!"

"Heir Malfoy, what brings you to my shop today?"

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