Chapter Two

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It's the summer before Fourth Year. Between vacations, and balls, and hanging out with his friends, Draco misses Hadara. Everything is more fun with her, which is terrible, because he only sees her within Hogwarts walls. Quidditch isn't half as fun without her egging him on, pushing him to fly harder. Besting Theo is nowhere near as satisfying.

"Missing your girlfriend?" Theo jokes, bumping his shoulder with Dracos.

Draco pushes him hard, but Theo just laughs up at him from the lawn.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Draco sneers.

"Hadara Potter," Theo cooes in a high pitched voice. "Potter this, Potter that, Potter! Potter! Potter!"

Blaise and Pansy join in, and Draco flips them all off before flying away on his broom.


Remus and Tonks sit across from Hadara, sipping their cups of tea. They've been checking up on her every few days this summer. Tonks had volunteered to come along when it became clear that Hadara needed an adult female to talk to as well.

"So," Remus hedges. "Any word from Malfoy?"

Hadara glares up at him. "No. Why would there be?"

Remus sips from his tea evenly. "I just thought you two might do something about your raging crushes over the summer. You spent half my class staring at each other."

"I don't stare," Hadara whines.

"You do."

Hadara slumps forward dramatically, resting her head on her arms. Tonks pats her head comfortingly. "I think it's cute that you like my cousin."

Hadara peeks open one eye to look at the Auror. "Oh Merlin, you're related. I forgot. Please say you won't say anything!?"

Tonks giggles, "Of course I won't. We hardly ever see each other anyways- just around the holidays. Besides, if you told him, you might be surprised by how he feels!"

Hadara rolls her eyes as she pushes up onto her elbows. It's horrible manners, but she doesn't care. They're stuffed into the corner table of a Muggle coffee shop, and no one here knows them.

"He reproached me for hugging him by saying it was improper."

Tonks can't contain the laugh at her cousin's expense. "Aunt Cissa is really particular about etiquette and tradition. It's why we hardly ever visit their house. My mom just couldn't care less. I'm sure it was just a knee jerk response."

"He's just so tall. I can't be blamed for my actions!"

Remus mimes plugging his ears. "I don't want to hear this part, dearest prongslet."

Hadara waves her hand dismissively at him. "You're being dramatic, Moony."

"I'm being dramatic?"

"I'm fourteen, and a Potter. It's in my blood."

"That it is," Remus smiles. "Speaking of, that's an awfully nice necklace you're wearing. Does it match your bracelet?"

Hadara drops the lion charm that lays on a golden chain back against her chest. "Maybe."

"That young man will buy you an entire jewelry store before he tells you his feelings. Why don't you just write to him?"

"I can't just write to him," Hadara laments. But she considers it for a second. She turns her eyes to Tonks. "Can I?"

"Sure you can," Tonks concedes. "Why not? The worst thing he can do is not respond."

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