Chapter Thirteen

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A/N- This chapter has been substantially edited from the original. I took a long writing hiatus, and wanted to change the story a bit when I came back. 


"Hadara, sit down. You need to rest!"

Hadara scowls at Pansy as fiercely as she can muster. Which it turns out, is not enough to scare Pansy. Hadara sits in the chair closest to the fire, abandoning her search through a stack of books.

"Don't look at me like that," Pansy warns, "or I'll call Hermione back here, then you'll have to deal with her! She's already upset that she missed your glorious ascension- her words, not mine. I'm under strict orders to make you obey the Healers instructions until she returns from France."

"Glorious ascension is a bit much," Hadara mumbles.

Pansy raises a brow at her. "Not really. Look at your picture!"

Hadara catches the Daily Prophet Pansy throws at her. She has to admit, she looks more fierce than she could have possibly imagined. There's a sense of pride that fills her that it's her, Tonks, and Cissa in the picture. There are no men in the frame. There are no men, at all, pulling their strings.

"I need to go shopping soon," Hadara muses as she watches the way her cloak sways behind her in the photo. She looks majestic. "Draco really does have an eye for style. Perhaps I should let him and Cissa shop for me, and be done with it."

Pansy dismisses the idea immediately. "Never turn full control over to a man. You picked out your Yule Ball robes, and they were stunning. Though I grant you he is a dab hand at picking out jewelry. You could put him in charge of that."

"I am good for more than just picking out jewelry," Draco whines as he enters Hadara's room with Theo and Blaise at his back.

"Of course you are," Blaise placates as he collapses back onto the sofa.

Theo drapes himself over Blaise's lap. "I mean someone has to satisfy our Lady's sexual needs."

"Theo," Hadara warns.


Draco pulls Hadara into his lap. Hadara smiles as she buries her face in his neck for a second, placing a kiss under his right ear. Draco holds her tighter, before he releases her, eager not to hear his friends' complaints about their display of affection. He's simply not in the mood for it today.

"Mum says Sirius will be here soon."

"Barty and Remus too?"

"Barty and Remus too," Draco confirms.

Theo sits up, practically vibrating in excitement. "Sirius Black? Barty Crouch Junior? Are they as mad as everyone says?"

Hadara shrugs and whispers in Draco's ear. He deposits her on her feet and goes into her closet. Hadara slips on her earrings as she answers Theo's question. "They were thrown in Azkaban with no trial, for over a decade. It would drive anyone a little mad. I think they just need something to anchor them. Barty has sworn fealty to me. I have faith that as long as he has purpose, he will be fine."

"Will we be permitted to swear fealty?" Theo asks seriously.

Hadara pauses, considering the question. Draco emerges from the closet and approaches her. He kneels down and helps her into the heels he's fetched for her, gently clasping the closure at the side. He finished the last clasp and stays there for a second, his thumb rubbing small circles on her ankle. When he sees her eyes go starry he winks at her, and stands to his feet.

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