Chapter Eleven

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A/N- There is violence in this chapter, Hadara is a Dark Lady after all, but she doesn't use Unforgivables. It's not her style. Love y'all.


When they land, Hadara takes a moment to let the nausea pass. Apparition is not her favorite mode of transport, even if it is the most efficient. She pulls herself together quickly. This is no time to show weakness.

"Barty, lead the way. Disarm Peter and bind him, but leave Voldemort to me. Lucius and Cissa, you're in charge of the snake. Get it outside, and kill it."

"Yes, My Lady."

Draco follows close behind Hadara, his wand drawn, as she follows Barty. His father is on one side of him, his mother on the other. Sirius and Remus bring up the rear, in an attempt to keep themselves from killing Pettigrew on sight.

Barty leads them into a once great manor house, though it holds nothing to the splendor of Malfoy Manor. The paint is peeling and the stairs are wonky. Each step on the hardwood brings a creak from the wood, like a creaky dirge for the Dark Lord.

"Stupefy! Incarcerous!"

Hadara turns in time to see Peter fall backwards as the ropes wrap around his body. Barty puts one foot on him, as he smiles at Hadara.

"Remus, Sirius-shrink him, and put him in the jar. I don't want any chance of him escaping this time."

Sirius smiled viciously as he strides across the room, eager to do Hadara's bidding. Cissa and Lucius shatter a window in the corner and send the snake out of it, leaping out after it.

Hadara turns her attention to the chair in the corner, holding out her hand as she whispers, "Expelliarmus."

A wand flies into her hand. "This will make such a nice trophy."

Draco enters behind her, grimacing at the thing in the corner. "My Lady, is that?"

"Yes, that's him. What's left of him, at least."

She crouches down to look at the withered form of the Dark Lord, though that name no longer suits him. He's so skinny it borders on skeletal. His once blue eyes seem faded. She'd almost pity him, if he wasn't an absolute monster.

"Come on, Tom. You owe me one last fight."

"Filthy blood-"

The smack Hadara hits him with rings out in the silence of the room. She raises Regulus' wand and casts a silencing charm on him. Once upon a time the Dark Lord had hardly needed a wand to perform magic. His skills were the stuff of legend, but not now. He was far too weak.

"Silence suits you, Tom. Levicorpus."

His body rises from the chair, and Hadara directs it out of the room, and down the stairs. Draco, Barty, Sirius, and Remus follow her. Sirius makes sure to jostle Peter particularly hard on the stairs.

Draco walks just behind Hadara, keeping a wary eye out as they enter the garden. His mothers Fiendfyre flames are calming down as they reach the center of the garden. Hadara takes stock. The snake is dead, charred to a crisp. An unfortunate, if necessary, step. Peter is contained in the jar under Sirius' arm. She places the Dark Lord on the ground, content to let him sit in misery for a second.

"It's time," Draco tells her, his face serious.

"I know."

Hadara turns to look at Lucius. "Your arm, please."

He pulls up his sleeve obediently as the others come to stand behind Hadara. The snake comes to life when she runs her fingers over it. "Yes, Speaker?"

"Bring me all those with a Mark."

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