Chapter Fourteen

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A knock sounds at the door. Barty's voice calls through the door. "My Lady? Sirius said you wanted to talk to me."

"Come in, Barty."

Barty steps fully into the room. Hadara is sitting at a table, looking at row upon row of fine jewelry. Gold, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds gleam up at her from their velvet lined cases. There's a look of utter consternation on her face.

"I have to decide what to wear to the ball," she says by way of explanation.

"I'm sure Cissa or even Sirius would be more helpful than me, My Lady."

Hadara smiles ruefully up at him. It would appear Sirius has completed his task of getting Barty new clothes. He looks every bit the Pureblood gentleman. Well- as gentle as any wizard such as Barty can look.

"You look nice, Barty."

"It still feels a bit odd," Barty admits, "after so many years in Azkaban, and on the run."

Hadara nods and motions for Barty to take a seat across from her. "I imagine it will feel odd for some time, but you certainly look the part. I'd like to talk about what your mission will be while I'm at Hogwarts, now that your acquittal has come through."

"I've been concerned about that myself," Barty admits. "How can I guard you if you go back to Hogwarts?"

"It is troubling," Hadara agrees. "But there's no way the Ministry would let you back into Hogwarts after everything that happened. You were a right terror. I think Sirius and I have come up with just the thing for you, though. Spymaster."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"I'm working on establishing a network of informants, from all sides of magical society. I need someone who can take all that information and communicate to me only the most credible and relevant parts."

"And you believe I'm that person?"

Hadara nods as she idly fingers a gold chain embedded with emeralds. "You were raised in the Pureblood world, but you're clearly fine interacting with Halfbloods, Muggleborns, and werewolves. You stay calm no matter what's happening, and that's what I need. Not to mention, you have a skill for hiding in plain sight."

Barty nods. She has a point. Barty zones out for a moment and Hadara can practically see the gears turning in his head. She picks up a bracelet and turns it, looking at it in the light. Suddenly she becomes aware of Barty's eyes on her, but his face looks hesitant. Hadara doesn't like that at all.

"My Lady, may I speak freely?"

"Of course."

"You need Severus Snape."

Hadara drops the bracelet back on its tray. "Why?"

"He was a Death Eater, at the beginning of the first war. Given his proximity to Dumbledore, he was probably a double agent. One of the best this country has ever seen, I'd say. You need that kind of ally inside of Hogwarts. At the very least he can pass information for us when you're at Hogwarts."

"What makes you think he'd even agree? I don't know if you've heard, but he's not exactly my biggest fan."

Barty looks into her too green eyes, Lily's eyes. "He'll do it."

Hadara sighs tiredly. "Fine. Set it up. I want him here by the end of the day."

"Of course, my Lady."


When Barty returns with Severus, they find Hadara and Cissa in the Dueling Room. They're circling each other, carefully. The air in the room is tense as everyone watches them practice.

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